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Phoenix Network | Scenario-driven Digital Intelligence Enterprise - A New Interpretation of the 2020 SiE Information User Conference

  • Media attention | 2023-06-08 23:54:21
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On December 18th, the main forum of the 2020 China Enterprise Digital Summit and SiE Information User Conference, with the theme of "Scenario Driven Digital Intelligent Enterprises", was successfully held. As a well-known professional digital event in China, the conference has been successfully held until its 7th consecutive session since 2014. The keywords of this conference are "scene" and "digitization", bringing together industry leaders to jointly explore the industry and promote development with over 800 corporate executives.


This conference specially invited Academician Li Peigen of the Chinese Academy of Engineering to attend the scene. He pointed out that digital transformation has become an inevitable trend for enterprises. Digitalization brings new changes and experiences to enterprises in terms of business models, research and development models, manufacturing models, operation models, service models, and decision-making models. At the same time, it also brings everyone's thinking on digital transformation from a new perspective of enterprise philosophy, technological trends, innovation directions, and application effects.

At the same time, the conference also invited Dr. Huang Pei, Editor in Chief of EWorks, Zhu Tao, Vice President of Financial Management Digitalization Expert, Huawei Cloud, SAP and other heavyweight guests. As representatives of client companies, Libai and Tongwei will also share their digital transformation paths and experiences at the conference.

Driven by the "small, medium, and large" scenario, digitizing enterprises is no longer a difficult task

This conference focuses on the digital advancement and development of domestic enterprises, exploring the application of industrial management software and intelligent hardware in various scenarios, empowering enterprises to upgrade their digital development, responding to important nodes of the domestic cycle and strategic links between domestic and international dual cycles.

At the conference, industry leaders gathered to discuss a series of industry hot topics such as intelligent manufacturing, industrial internet, data center, smart supply chain, smart marketing, digital finance, smart procurement, SAP services, remote operation and maintenance. What we can see is that "scenarios" have become a core topic that cannot be avoided. If there is no physical scenario demand leading the digital economy, it is a "stagnant pool", The future digitization will definitely be scenario based innovation.


At the opening ceremony of the main forum, Mr. Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, shared the theme of "Scenario Driven Digital Intelligence Enterprise", clearly proposing the segmentation of scenarios. He divided the scenarios into "small scenarios", "medium scenarios", and "large scenarios" based on specific customer application cases. From the specific application level of the enterprise, based on precise analysis and control of enterprise needs, he measured the "scenarios", Implement corresponding technologies and solutions to achieve targeted, precise, and effective digital transformation for enterprises.

In the era of the Internet of Things and the perception of everything, SiE Information enables enterprises to digitize and efficiently land through customized business scenarios. Accurately identify and understand the pain points and needs of core business scenarios such as enterprise production and decision-making in small scenarios, helping them quickly obtain digital transformation opportunities and backend solutions; The medium scenario fully utilizes digital technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things to conduct business surveys, gain insights and discover future business problems, improve digital marketing plans, improve enterprise operational efficiency and marketing decision-making efficiency, and make business decisions more scientific; The large-scale scenario represented by unmanned factories, through human-machine collaboration in manufacturing processes and the application of new technologies, forms a highly automated mass production based on "human-machine electrical software integration", compressing production costs and reducing personnel dependence.

The basic point of enterprise digital transformation is the real needs of the enterprise. The needs include transformation and upgrading of enterprise processes, as well as top-level design and full chain implementation at the macro level. These are different scenarios of enterprise digital transformation, just like the "lens" we use, with wide angles and micro distances. During the 15 years of providing comprehensive digital solution services and implementation for enterprises, SiE Information has been a "practitioner" and "leader" driven by scenarios, from the transformation of a process to the planning and implementation of the entire "unmanned factory".

"One Body, Three Wings" SiE 3.0 Collaborative Symbiosis to Create "Ecological Value"

Starting from 2005, from an ERP implementation and development company to an enterprise information service provider, and now to the era of SiE Information 3.0- the empowerment of enterprise digital transformation, the "One Body, Three Wings" has been running through the development of SiE Information from beginning to end, constantly giving it new connotations in response to changes in the times. The "One Body and Three Wings" revolves around creating value for enterprises, with the discovery of new user scenarios, application of new digital technologies, and integration of new organizational ecology as the three wings, constructing an ecological domain of "ten thousand types of frost free competition" for enterprise digital transformation scenarios.


In the view of SiE Information, customer needs in the era of the Internet of Things will become more situational, and digital technology should serve customers' differentiated business scenario experiences. SiE Information continuously explores customer scenario needs and utilizes digital technology to dynamically construct ecological boundaries that meet their needs graph. Through continuous iteration and upgrading, it realizes the common appreciation of ecological boundaries.


Currently, China's digital economy is thriving and has become a new lever for cultivating industrial advantages. The role of digitalization in promoting industrial transformation and reducing costs and increasing efficiency is becoming increasingly evident in the production process of manufacturing enterprises. In the round table forum on intelligent manufacturing, through discussions on the most popular topics of intelligent manufacturing, such as "how the manufacturing industry responds to the uncertainty of the current domestic and international environment" and "the importance and urgency of promoting digital transformation and intelligent manufacturing for manufacturing enterprises", as well as analysis of digital transformation cases, all present guests felt that under the driving force of the scene and the digital era, When facing market uncertainty, digital technology and intelligent technology will provide strong support for the development of enterprises.大會圓桌論壇

Scenario-driven, digital intelligent enterprises. Guided by the new development pattern of domestic and international dual circulation mutual promotion, SiE Information is seizing the opportunities given by industrial digitization, increasing independent research and development investment in fields such as intelligent manufacturing and industrial internet, and accelerating the research and application of industrial interconnection innovation scenarios based on the new generation of information and Internet of Things technology. Standing in the era of SiE Information 3.0, creating "ecological value" in business scenarios through collaborative symbiosis, SiE Information is continuously meeting the needs of traditional enterprises for transformation and upgrading, reshaping their understanding of the future.

[Editor in charge: He Yiyang]



上一篇:Sina | 2020 SiE Information User Conference: A Digital Transformation Feast for Industry Leaders and 下一篇:Interface News | SiE Information Zhang Chengkang: Intelligent manufacturing business is affected by


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