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Mr. Finance, 5 Competence Centers


Integrated Financial Operations Center  

By establishing a financial shared service center to sort out and unify business processes, and adopting standardized and centralized operation methods, financial standardization and standardization can be achieved

Online Strategy Center

Refine the business control rules of the entire value chain, form effective management control, achieve management thinking guidance, ensure that all economic matters can achieve value creation, and solidify the results of digital transformation into the system

Online Data Center

Based on the relevant data of various management objects, unify the business classification criteria of each business department for the same economic matter, and construct two major types of business labels: initial status labels and transaction process labels. Uniquely identify and objectively describe management objects through common attributes in the initial state label; And establish business attributes based on actual business management needs, flexible settings, and expansion, forming the financial data center of the enterprise.

Real time analysis center

Financial data is a concentrated reflection of the results and value of enterprise management. Through multi-level, comprehensive, and wide-angle financial data statistical analysis, the finance department delves into the front-end of the business, gaining insight into the gains and losses of business work. Proactively identify operational and management issues behind financial data, identify business fundamentals, and leverage the support and promotion role of finance in the business.

Integrated Financial Application Center

It mainly includes financial shared task management functions such as accounting workbench, payment workbench, work order task management, grouping management, on job management, quality management, performance management, statistical analysis, etc. It also includes intelligent tool applications such as accounting file management, knowledge management, credit management, invoice management, tax management, financial settlement, asset management, accounts receivable and payable, cost control management, account closing management, contract management, etc

Functional map

Digitization:Build the interconnection of business and management system, multi-level collaboration, unify the process,data and platform, make the data precipitation, realize the pull between different businesses, business and financial linkage, data empower business and operation.


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