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Shanghai Securities News | SiE Information: Scenario-driven Empowerment of Enterprise Digital Development

  • Media attention | 2023-06-10 16:01:54
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On December 18th, the main forum of the 2020 China Enterprise Digital Summit and SiE Information User Conference, with the theme of "scenario driven digital intelligent enterprises", was successfully held. The conference focused on the digital advancement and development of domestic enterprises, exploring the application of industrial management software and intelligent hardware in various scenarios, and empowering enterprises to develop and upgrade digitalization.

Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, clearly proposed the segmentation of scenarios, dividing them into "small scenes", "medium scenes", and "big scenes", and implementing corresponding technologies and solutions to achieve targeted, accurate, and effective enterprise digital transformation. SiE Information enables enterprises to digitize and efficiently implement customized business scenarios, accurately identifying and understanding the pain points and needs of core business scenarios such as production and decision-making in small scenarios, and helping them quickly obtain digital transformation opportunities and backend solutions; The medium scenario fully utilizes digital technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things to conduct business surveys, gain insights and discover future business problems, improve digital marketing plans, improve enterprise operational efficiency and marketing decision-making efficiency, and make business decisions more scientific; The large-scale scenario represented by unmanned factories, through human-machine collaboration in manufacturing processes and the application of new technologies, forms a highly automated mass production based on "human-machine electrical software integration", compressing production costs and reducing personnel dependence.


In the view of SiE Information, customer needs in the era of the Internet of Things will become more situational, and digital technology should serve customers' differentiated business scenario experiences. SiE Information continuously explores customer scenario needs and utilizes digital technology to dynamically construct ecological boundaries that meet their needs graph. Through continuous iteration and upgrading, it realizes the common appreciation of ecological boundaries. Starting from 2005, from an ERP implementation and development company to an enterprise information service provider, and now to the era of SiE Information 3.0- the empowerment of enterprise digital transformation, the "One Body, Three Wings" has been running through the development of SiE Information from beginning to end, constantly giving it new connotations in response to changes in the times. The "One Body and Three Wings" revolves around creating value for enterprises, with the discovery of new user scenarios, application of new digital technologies, and integration of new organizational ecology as the three wings, constructing an ecological domain of "ten thousand types of frost free competition" for enterprise digital transformation scenarios.

Scenario driven, digital enterprise, in the era of SiE Information 3.0, SiE Information is continuously meeting the needs of traditional enterprises for transformation and upgrading by creating "ecological value" of business scenarios through collaborative symbiosis, reshaping the company's understanding of the future.



上一篇:NetEase News | Scene Driven Digital Intelligence Enterprise - A New Interpretation of the 2020 SiE I 下一篇:Discussion on Digital Transformation Driven by Scenarios on China Central Radio and Television Netwo


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