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Real estate industry solutions

Overview of SiE Real Estate Industry Solutions

Industry Background

Real estate is a typical capital intensive industry, with overall business centered around project management. The company adopts a centralized headquarters control model for management and control, thus facing the following challenges in operational management: how to quickly replicate successful project experiences to reduce operating costs; How to bridge the management chain between headquarters, regions, and project companies; How to control risks in scale expansion; How to improve the collaborative efficiency between enterprises and planning, construction, banks, and customers; Transforming from extensive management to refined management; The management radius and depth of national and group enterprises have increased.

New technologies are constantly driving social progress, while also breaking many traditional, fixed, and outdated business models and working methods in industries; Through the integration of digital technology, more and more real estate enterprises have begun to re-examine their IT capabilities, build new enterprise digital neural networks to achieve digital transformation and innovation, reposition the value of management information technology at the strategic level, and use digital transformation to build the core competitiveness of enterprises in the new era.

Real Estate Industry Solutions

SiE Information has been deeply rooted in enterprise information construction services for many years, and has successfully served over 500 high-quality enterprise customers. The overall solution for the SiE real estate industry fully combines the business management experience of real estate enterprises and integrates it into the real estate industry solution, providing a complete set of best application practices covering all business processes. According to the business process of the real estate industry, the plan can be divided into: business management, design management, planning management, procurement management, cost management, engineering project management, sales management, commercial property service management, and master data management.


Main products and services in the real estate industry

1. Financial Accounting Management (Oracle EBS, SAP)

2. Comprehensive Budget Management (Oracle HFM, LucaNET)

3. Consolidated Report Management (Oracle HFM, LucaNET)

4. Cost Control Management (SiE-EMS)

5. Procurement Management (Oracle SRM, SiE-SRM)

6. Engineering Project Management (Oracle P6, SiE-IEM)

7. Master Data Management (Stibo)

8. Human Resources Management (Oracle Peoplesoft, Kronos)

9. E-commerce Platform (SiE-EC)

10. Operation and maintenance services

Real estate industry cases we have served


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