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Product introduction, positioning, and value proposition

Product presentation

SiE logistics execution management platform-focus on process manufacturing, reduce labor costs, plug security loopholes, improve efficiency

With IC card or qr code as the information carrier, through each business link information barriers, transverse pull each business scenarios, longitudinal through management and equipment or equipment fusion, realize digital collaboration, covering: orders, customers, drivers, entrance guard, weighing, warehouse, quality inspection, production and so on each business link of personnel and equipment. Latong enterprise procurement logistics, in-factory logistics and sales implementation logistics, to achieve the integration and transparency of logistics control. After nearly 20 years of implementation and precipitation, the team has realized the delivery and landing of many application scenarios, to provide customers with continuous core competitiveness. Products in the process manufacturing business, such as metallurgy, coal chemical, petrochemical, thermoelectric, building materials, food and other fields have a wide application.


Pain point analysis

Manufacturing industry faces high labor costs! Material inventory backlog is large! Low transportation efficiency! Key business links cheating phenomenon frequently!

The transportation plan of the enterprise is coarse or not, resulting in frequent traffic jams in the factory logistics, which will affect the production. The measurement work is under great pressure in terms of management, personnel and efficiency. As an important link of the logistics business in the factory, the weighing instrument measurement not only requires the scale point to provide accurate and timely data, but also is the bottleneck of maintaining the smooth logistics in the factory. The inventory backlog is large, unable to view the current inventory, the recent inventory in transit, to bring rare to the enterprise production ingredients, unable to predict the subsequent production costs. Delivery vehicles cheat in the process of transportation, measurement and quality, which brings great losses to the enterprise.


Functional map

The system covers the complete business process management of raw material procurement logistics, factory logistics and finished product sales logistics. The system supports logistics information management, vehicle transportation control, and ship batch management, etc.


Product advantages

Enabling enterprises: through professional services, to provide customers with overall logistics solutions, to achieve transparent, refined and standardized management.


Business application value


To build the "one-card" for enterprise logistics business, and realize the integrated control of materials warehousing, warehousing and in-field transportation


Customer case


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