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一、Provide core combination "fist" solutions for home appliance enterprises to assist in their digital transformation and upgrading


(一)Enterprise Mid Platform Solution

Governance, organizational management, and intelligent analysis are integrated to provide data to frontend applications in a service-oriented manner, with the goal of improving business operation efficiency and continuously promoting business innovation. By sharing services, we aim to build a comprehensive ecosystem of enterprise middle-end output and comprehensively assist in the digital transformation and upgrading of home appliance industry enterprises.

The overall architecture of SiE Enterprise's central platform: to achieve data-driven business operations, digitization of all business, and commercialization of all data. Data Center X Business Center - Enterprise Center.

(二)Omni Channel Marketing Management Solution

The CMS omnichannel operation platform is a deep operational work platform for enterprises to achieve orders, products, inventory, membership, and promotions across all channels. It helps enterprises utilize a management center to process, control, and dispatch orders from all channel customer touchpoints, simplify omnichannel operation management, and provide IT support for the omnichannel marketing ecosystem for brand merchants, retailers, or channel merchants, covering the core functions of various enterprise systems, It can help home appliance enterprises improve their competitiveness in an omnichannel scenario.

(三)Intelligent manufacturing solutions

The SiE SMOM SiE Manufacturing Operations Management Platform, based on the design concept of digitalization and intelligent chemical plants, provides enterprises with an integrated information solution of intelligent operation and management, helping them to lay a solid foundation from "digital chemical plants" to "intelligent chemical plants". Enterprise managers can use the SMOM system to connect customer needs, procurement support, production and manufacturing services, and order delivery to various business units, as well as information silos between work units; Assist enterprises in achieving efficient internal and external collaboration through digital operations; By integrating IT information technology, OT basic operational technology, and CT communication technology, we aim to improve product quality, reduce operational costs, enable operators to have comprehensive control over the enterprise, quickly respond to market changes, achieve enterprise management and operational goals, and create a competitive advantage in supply chain integration!

(四)Enterprise ERP Management Solution

ERP is the core backbone system of enterprise informatization, and its robustness will lay a solid foundation for enterprise digital transformation. It is an indispensable prerequisite for the breadth and depth of enterprise digital development. Enterprises achieve a high degree of integration of logistics, capital flow, and information flow through the application of ERP process, informatization, and integration, achieving the interconnection of information in various links of the value chain, and promoting the transformation and upgrading of enterprises to digital smart enterprises. After 20 years of experience in ERP implementation in the home appliance industry, SiE provides comprehensive SAP and ORACEL ERP solutions for home appliance enterprises. While providing successful experience in informatization, SiE integrates mature business experience into the implementation and application of ERP. Through the application of ERP systems, powerful information tools are provided for operational managers at all levels of enterprises, providing strong support for promoting management transformation, optimizing operational processes, improving efficiency, and ultimately achieving business growth.

二、Collaborate with excellence to create forward-looking and strategic customer value

(1) Classic Case: Enterprise Middle Platform Solution

To solve the problem of "storage", "communication" and "use" of enterprise data, a set of intelligent solutions tailored to the business scenarios of customers in the household appliance industry is an intelligent middle platform integrating business, big data and AI, which is cross channel. Based on the value thinking of the "Internet plus" era, it enables enterprises and improves their competitiveness.

1. Typical business scenarios

2. Overall Solution for Enterprise Middle Platform

(2) Classic Case: Omni Channel Marketing Management Solution

Fully implement deep management of orders, products, inventory, membership, and promotions, help home appliance enterprises utilize a management center to process, control, and dispatch orders from all channel customer touchpoints, simplify omnichannel operation management, provide IT support for the omnichannel marketing ecosystem for brand merchants, retailers, or channel merchants, cover the core functions of multiple internal systems, and help enterprises enhance competitiveness in omnichannel scenarios.

(3) Classic Case: Intelligent Manufacturing Solutions

How can we quickly catch up and narrow the gap with industry benchmarks, continuously improve product quality, reduce manufacturing supply chain costs, and respond quickly to unpredictable market opportunities? SiE assists a well-known home appliance manufacturing enterprise with a dual "+" strategic transformation of "intelligence+internet" and "product+service", providing a highly available, open platform, customizable application platform, and a technologically forward-looking "manufacturing execution system" to achieve digital driven operation, process and business improvement, and model innovation, Connect the entire value chain of R&D, supply chain, production, and marketing, optimize processes, improve efficiency, and generate benefits. We will upgrade and restructure our existing digital projects, bridge the "information silos" between various modules, quickly catch up with industry benchmarks, and comprehensively plan our digital factory!

(四)Classic Case: Enterprise ERP Management Solution

The implementation of enterprise ERP includes the end-to-end integration and improvement of the entire business value chain process from research and development to products, market to orders, planning, production, procurement to payment, production to cost control, sales to collection, investment to assets, bookkeeping to reports, achieving a highly integrated and unified enterprise logistics, information flow, fund flow, document flow, and approval process. Realize seamless integration between ERP and various business systems, forming a closed loop of business processes. Not only does it avoid overlap, breakpoints, and omissions in the overall business processes of the enterprise, but it also improves the efficiency and risk management of the entire business chain and value chain of the enterprise. Meeting the information management and control needs of middle and senior management in enterprises has laid a solid foundation for digital operation of enterprises.

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Companion with Excellence

Creating customer value with foresight and strategic significance

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