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Interface News | SiE Information Zhang Chengkang: Intelligent manufacturing business is affected by the epidemic, and net profit for the whole year will still double

  • Media attention | 2023-06-10 15:56:20
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Under the influence of the COVID-19, the growth rate of SiE Information (300687. SZ) intelligent manufacturing business slowed down a bit than expected.

SiE Information is transitioning from an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) enterprise to an intelligent manufacturing enterprise. A year ago, Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, exclusively revealed to Interface News that he hopes that within a year or two, the proportion of intelligent manufacturing business can exceed half of revenue.

Recently, at the annual "SiE Information User Conference", Zhang Chengkang once again mentioned his goals from a year ago in an interview with Interface News. Zhang Chengkang admitted that in the first half of this year, due to the epidemic, the intelligent manufacturing business was slightly affected. Because the factory did not start construction in the first half of the year, it would be better for ERP pure digital remote business

Zhang Chengkang stated that throughout the year, due to the rapid recovery rate in the second half of the year, the growth rate of the intelligent manufacturing business can also reach over 40%, driving the overall revenue growth of the company to around 30%, and the net profit will double compared to last year. Conservatively estimated, the annual revenue of the intelligent manufacturing business accounts for over 20%, ultimately relying mainly on financial report data

SiE Information achieved a revenue of 959 million yuan in the first three quarters, a year-on-year increase of 26.26%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 110 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 111.66%. From a product perspective, SiE Information includes four businesses: pan ERP, intelligent manufacturing, agency distribution, and software maintenance services. Among them, pan ERP and intelligent manufacturing are the company's core businesses, accounting for about 90% of the company's revenue.

SiE Information's intelligent manufacturing business involves providing comprehensive solutions for intelligent manufacturing and industrial internet. This business is already growing rapidly. Throughout 2018, the revenue of SiE Information Intelligent Manufacturing increased by over 100% year-on-year, with the revenue share increasing from 10.36% to 16.18%. In 2019, it also increased to 24.58%. Until the impact of the epidemic in the first half of 2020, the revenue share of this business decreased to 21.00%.

The annual growth rate of intelligent manufacturing business exceeds 40% -50%, and the annual growth rate of pan ERP is about 10%. "From the current growth rate of SiE Information's two main businesses, Zhang Chengkang believes that" although the previously mentioned goal of achieving half of the proportion in two years has not been achieved, it can still be achieved in three to four years, and this speed is also relatively fast

Zhang Chengkang also told Interface News that compared to the pan ERP business, the gross profit margin of the intelligent manufacturing business is gradually increasing.

From the 2020 midterm report, it can be seen that the gross profit margin of intelligent manufacturing has reached 32.52%, an increase of 9.66 percentage points year-on-year, surpassing the first main business, pan ERP business. The latter's gross profit margin also increased by 3.39 percentage points year-on-year to 29.16%.

In addition to providing basic platforms for customers, future intelligent manufacturing will also launch industry packages for various industries. Currently, PCB and electronics industry packages have been launched. The launch of industry packages can significantly reduce our requirements for human investment. The gross profit margin naturally increases, "Zhang Chengkang explained to interface news.

This year, SiE's information more mentions the topic of "scenario driven". Zhang Chengkang subdivided the scenes into "small scenes", "medium scenes", and "large scenes", ranging from the transformation of a single process to the planning and implementation of the entire "unmanned factory". Small scenarios are the requirements for identifying core business scenarios such as enterprise production and decision-making, helping them quickly obtain digital transformation opportunities and backend solutions; The medium scenario involves utilizing digital technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things to improve digital marketing plans through business surveys; The large-scale scenario represented by unmanned factories, through human-machine collaboration in manufacturing processes and the application of new technologies, forms automated mass production based on "human-machine electrical software integration", reducing production costs.

I believe that future data assetization and business middleware are the key to building a data-driven path. Therefore, Zhang Chengkang believes that it is particularly important to leverage the capabilities of middleware to provide a standardized technical platform for microservices.

It is reported that SiE Information has selected 8 key industries as its competition areas for the integration of information technology.

Meanwhile, the industrial bracelet that SiE Information launched two years ago and enjoyed watching has not yet achieved profitability.

This is a process of exploration, "Zhang Chengkang said, stating that the company has no longer treated industrial bracelets as a single task. It is reported that SiE Information has recently launched the Gu Shen platform. Through this connection platform, the industrial bracelet can become a terminal antenna and a sensing method of the industrial internet, making the data collected by enterprises more effective

In addition, Zhang Chengkang also revealed to Interface News that the company's previously planned 1000 person R&D center in Foshan is currently being promoted. At present, two to three hundred personnel have entered, and they will gradually enter in March next year. The research and development direction of the R&D center is focused on intelligent manufacturing and industrial internet.

Interface journalist Zhang Yi



上一篇:Phoenix Network | Scenario-driven Digital Intelligence Enterprise - A New Interpretation of the 2020 下一篇:Securities Daily | SiE Information Holding the 2020 China Enterprise Digital Summit to Empower Enter


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