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一、Creating the future and building a smart ecosystem for rail transit

Creating a future, integrating solutions to assist rail transit production enterprises and the urban rail transit industry, and building a service line+urban rail transit smart ecosystem centered on extended services.

01/ Overall solution/  

02/ Suggested architecture for information systems /  

03/ technology roadmap /  

二、8-Step Play in the Rail Transit Industry, Assist Enterprises in Efficient Operation and Digital Transformation

01/ Master Data Management Solution /  

The beginning of achieving digital transformation is a unified master data management within the enterprise, as well as various capabilities from strategy to infrastructure. Build an overall strategy based on enterprise strategic orientation, which includes "one center (centered on price value)", "two basic points (based on business and indicators)", and "four considerations (balancing management and use, current and future, efficiency and efficiency, and group and subsidiary)".

02/ Centralized maintenance plan management solution/  

·Product maintenance plan is the core of maintenance management in maintenance enterprises.

·Reasonably allocate personnel, work time, and resources for maintenance planned work orders, and combine them with material inventory management to adjust resource allocation and optimize work orders.

·The maintenance of large equipment will consume a lot of manpower, resources, and materials. Optimizing maintenance plans through the system is of great significance for lean maintenance.

03/ Centralized process management solution/  

04/Centralized maintenance production management solution /  

05/ Centralized Quality Management Solution /  

06/ Centralized management solution/  

Establish a service station after-sales business management platform, strengthen closed-loop management of service station fault handling, technical modifications, and inventory and service cost control, and provide real and reliable data for decision support systems such as DARAMS.

07/ Inventory Management Solutions/  

Reasonably plan inventory strategies, improve visibility of material management, reduce inventory levels, and provide continuous production supply. Utilize an information management system to achieve an efficient and collaborative supply chain management platform. Improve on-time delivery rate of orders, increase inventory turnover rate, and reduce supply chain operating costs. Reduce inventory reserves by reasonably predicting demand and combining maintenance plan control.

08/ CRM Customer Relationship Management Solution /  

三、Creating customer value: leaders in intelligent transportation and builders of smart cities

/ Typical case: /  

(1) Represented by multi format urban rail transit, we aim to create an integrated management platform centered on the urban rail transit ecosystem, connecting enterprise processes to internal control management, business to finance, and business data to big data. Integrating enterprise resources and taking integration and sharing as the digital construction direction of urban rail transit.

SiE assists in the urban rail transit industry, connecting business to financial accounting, internal control, analysis, and reporting processes. Assist customers in connecting the core business processes of rail transit construction, operation, and maintenance. Assist group enterprises supporting multiple formats in building an open and scalable integrated platform for industry and finance through configurable accounting engines.

(2) How can production enterprises in the rail transit industry provide efficient, thoughtful, and zero distance service to customers through extended services? The MRO products provided by SiE focus on the entire process management of equipment maintenance, repair, and operation, focusing on internal equipment management processes, zero distance docking with customer service, and supplier needs. Assist in the full lifecycle management of equipment in rail transit production enterprises; Assist in connecting customers and suppliers; Assist in standardized equipment management and controllable cost operation.

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