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一、Background and Informationization Trends of the Mechanical Equipment Industry


02/Characteristics and Trends of Informationization in the Mechanical Equipment Industry /    

Informatization characteristics:

Informatization trends:

二、Deeply cultivate the mechanical equipment industry and provide integrated solutions

/Taking digitization and intelligence as the goal of information construction and transformation, to assist in the digital upgrading of mechanical equipment/  

三、Four Steps to Play in the Mechanical Equipment Industry and Create a Future of Digital Innovation?

四、Collaborate with Excellence to Assist Mechanical Equipment Industry Enterprises in Digital "Breakthrough" Upgrade

01/ Classic Case: Digital Transformation Project Solution/    

How to shorten production cycles and improve delivery rates? How to coordinate the collaboration between internal and external departments? How to ensure the completeness of shipment? How to avoid waste and stagnation caused by excessive procurement of materials? SiE assisted a certain hydropower equipment company in completing the design and process system, improving the BOM structure and process route, constructing a project management system, and using the design BOM to form a shipping BOM, comprehensively improving the efficiency of enterprise operation and management, and promoting enterprise management collaboration.

02/Classic Case: Information Planning and ERP Implementation Project Solution /    

03/Classic Case: Information Planning and ERP Implementation Project Solution/ 

How to handle complex inter company business? Improvement and enhancement of business management issues? How to define the business boundaries of multiple systems? How to solve the problem of information silos from design to production execution? SiE assists a fiber laser manufacturer in achieving end-to-end data connectivity across systems, achieving refined enterprise management, comprehensively improving data accuracy, and solving the problems of complex inter company business logistics and settlement lag, poor efficiency, and low accuracy.

Deeply cultivate the mechanical equipment industry and provide integrated solutions

Deeply cultivate the mechanical equipment industry and provide integrated solutions

Taking digitization and intelligence as the goal of information construction and transformation, to assist in the digital upgrading of mechanical equipment

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