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Economic Daily | 2020 China Enterprise Digital Summit held in Shunde, Guangdong

  • Media attention | 2023-06-10 16:05:26
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On December 18th, the main forum of the 2020 China Enterprise Digital Summit and SiE Information User Conference, with the theme of "Scenario Driven Digital Intelligent Enterprises", was successfully held in Shunde, Guangdong.

The keywords of this conference are "scene" and "digitization", bringing together industry leaders to jointly explore the industry and promote development with over 800 corporate executives. Academician Li Peigen of the Chinese Academy of Engineering pointed out at the conference that digital transformation has become an inevitable trend for enterprises. Digitalization brings new changes and experiences to enterprises in terms of business models, research and development models, manufacturing models, operation models, service models, and decision-making models. At the same time, it also brings new perspectives on enterprise philosophy, technological trends, innovation directions, and application effects to reflect on the digital transformation of enterprises.

At the same time, the conference also invited Dr. Huang Pei, Editor in Chief of EWorks, Zhu Tao, Vice President of Financial Management Digitalization Expert, Huawei Cloud, SAP and other heavyweight guests. As representatives of client enterprises, Libai and Tongwei also shared their digital transformation path and experiences at the conference. At the meeting, the industry discussed a series of industry hot topics such as intelligent manufacturing, industrial internet, data center, smart supply chain, smart marketing, digital finance, smart procurement, SAP services, remote operation and maintenance.

At the opening ceremony of the main forum, Mr. Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, shared the theme of "Scenario Driven Digital Intelligence Enterprise", clearly proposing the segmentation of scenarios. He divided the scenarios into "small scenarios", "medium scenarios", and "large scenarios" based on specific customer application cases. From the specific application level of the enterprise, based on precise analysis and control of enterprise needs, he measured the "scenarios", Implement corresponding technologies and solutions to achieve targeted, precise, and effective digital transformation for enterprises. In the era of the Internet of Things and the perception of everything, SiE Information enables enterprises to digitize and efficiently land through customized business scenarios.

Currently, China's digital economy is thriving and has become a new lever for cultivating industrial advantages. The role of digitalization in promoting industrial transformation and reducing costs and increasing efficiency is becoming increasingly evident in the production process of manufacturing enterprises. Standing in the era of SiE Information 3.0, creating "ecological value" in business scenarios through collaborative symbiosis, SiE Information is continuously meeting the needs of traditional enterprises for transformation and upgrading, reshaping their understanding of the future.



上一篇:First Financial | SiE Information Zhang Chengkang: Responding to Digitalization, Shifting from Consu 下一篇:Guangdong Science and Technology Daily held the 2020 China Enterprise Digital Summit


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