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Innovation in marketing channels and production models in the customized home furnishing industry

The customized home furnishing industry is ushering in a comprehensive revolution of digitization, informatization, intelligence, and collaboration. In this era of change, whoever lags behind will soon be eliminated by the market, and the enterprises that have completed the upgrade of Industry 4.0 first will maintain a competitive advantage in this fierce market competition.

Pain Point Analysis of Customized Home Furnishing Business

With the changes in the internal and external environment of enterprises, the customized home furnishing industry is undergoing a process from extensive development to refined management. The development of enterprises is facing the following challenges:

Integrated solution for home design and production

The "design production integration" information system will become the core competitiveness of enterprises. The efficient operation of "design production" has solved the fatal pain points of the customized home furnishing industry - delivery cycle, production efficiency, and precision production problems (product shortages, omissions, shortages, and mistakes). This is also the fundamental reason that restricts the rapid development of the entire home customization industry.

SiE Intelligent Manufacturing MOM Solution in Whole House Customization Scenarios

The SiE Intelligent Manufacturing MOM solution is to establish a comprehensive digital management platform for manufacturing operations for enterprises, connecting the front and back ends, so that the goal of the enterprise is not just business applications, but the digitalization of the entire scene, process, and system of the enterprise.

SiE provides enterprise management information implementation services for customized home furnishing enterprise customers

Customer Cases of SiE in the Customized Home Furnishing Industry

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