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SIE Lin Liyue was invited to attend the roundtable dialogue on "Digital Leaders of Central State owned Enterprises Dialogue"

  • News and Information | 2024-09-04 19:32:42
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The "Forum on Empowering High Quality Development with Artificial Intelligence and the 100 Person Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence" was held on the morning of August 23rd on Sun Island in Harbin. More than 300 officials from national regulatory departments, experts and scholars, local government representatives, industry experts, and corporate guests attended the conference to jointly explore the key role of artificial intelligence in the development of new quality productivity. As an enabler of enterprise digitalization and practitioner of industrial software, Saiyi Information was invited to attend this event to jointly explore new directions for digital transformation of central state-owned enterprises.


With the accelerated evolution of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, the integration of digital economy and real economy has become an important engine for promoting new industrialization and empowering high-quality development of industries. SiE also actively embraces new technologies, cultivates and develops new quality productivity and new driving forces, and became one of the first partners of Huawei Cloud's "Pangu Big Model" in July 2023, empowering thousands of industries with AI. Its self-developed Saiyi Gushen industrial Internet platform also integrates AI, big data, blockchain, 5G and other new technologies, builds digital operation capabilities with intelligent manufacturing as the core, solves enterprise development problems, and is upgraded to become a national "double cross" platform in 2023, which is also the first national "double cross" platform locally cultivated in Guangzhou.

In the field of pan ERP, SiE completed the replacement of some application modules of mainstream foreign ERP on its self-developed platform at a central state-owned enterprise last year, and successfully achieved large-scale switching online. With its profound technical expertise and rich industry experience, Saiyi Information has successfully partnered with industry giants like Huawei to become the core partner of Huawei's MetaERP project, jointly promoting the development and innovation of the new generation of enterprise management software ecosystem. At present, the Saiyi Information Valley God series products are actively compatible with domestic basic software and hardware such as Huawei OpenEuler, continuously integrating into the information and innovation ecosystem, working together with ecological partners to build a sound information and innovation ecosystem, and escorting the localization substitution of state-owned enterprises.

Against the backdrop of profound changes in the global economy and industries, central state-owned enterprises are transforming and breaking through through through digital intelligence technology to enhance their core competitiveness for the future. Faced with complex international situations and uncertain factors, central state-owned enterprises are considering and exploring new paths to break through the digital transformation process.

Lin Liyue, Vice President of Guangzhou SiE Technology Co., Ltd., was invited to attend two roundtable dialogues on "Embracing Big Models to Achieve High Quality Development of Digital Economy" and "Dialogue with Digital Leaders of Central and State owned Enterprises". He met with Li Xiaodong, Vice Chairman of China Association for the Promotion of International Economic and Technological Cooperation Shao Chunbao, Vice General Manager of Baidu AI Technology Ecology Zhou Qi, Vice President of Beijing Xunfei Research Institute Li Jiaqi, Vice President of Beijing Feishu Technology Co., Ltd. Shi Kaiwen, Chairman of iResearch Technology Group Wu Qifeng, General Manager of Digitalization Department and Executive Director/General Manager of China General Technology (Group) Holding Co., Ltd., and Director of Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology Wei Kai, among others from industry, academia, and research. With guests from all walks of life, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence in the process of developing new quality productivity, Deeply explore the path of artificial intelligence in promoting high-quality economic development.

Although the artificial intelligence forum with the theme of "Leading the Future with Intelligence and Moving towards New Directions" has come to a successful conclusion, our exploration and pursuit of artificial intelligence will not stop. Only by working together can we jointly promote the innovation and development of artificial intelligence technology and contribute wisdom and strength to high-quality development.

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