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The first one! Guangzhou Industrial Software Application Promotion Center officially established in SiE

  • News and Information | 2024-08-30 15:22:04
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On August 29th, under the guidance and support of the Guangzhou Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Tianhe District People's Government, Guangzhou's first Industrial Software Application Promotion Center (referred to as the Promotion Center) was officially established at Guangzhou SiE Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to a SiE), aiming to promote the rapid, healthy, and orderly development of industrial software and jointly build a new chapter in domestic industrial software.

More than 50 representatives and guests from the government, research institutes, manufacturing enterprises, and industrial software ecosystem partners jointly attended the unveiling ceremony of the Guangzhou Industrial Software Application Promotion Center and the Industry Matchmaking Conference, to deeply exchange the development status and trends of independent innovation in industrial software and promote the innovative development of industrial software.


At the beginning of the event, leaders from the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and Tianhe District Government visited the Promotion Center. Through on-site explanations, they gained a deeper understanding of the Center's commitment to showcasing industrial software achievements, sharing resources, and gathering core industrial software and application cases from domestic industrial software manufacturers. Since its establishment, SiE has always focused on the development of industrial software, anchored in the field of intelligent manufacturing, adhering to the spirit of craftsmanship, and fully invested in independent research and development of industrial software in 2012. In 2023, its self-developed SiE Gushen industrial Internet platform will be upgraded to become a national "double span" platform, and also the first national "double span" platform locally cultivated in Guangzhou.

As the operator of the promotion center, Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE, emphasized in his speech that the promotion center will also take "accelerating the innovative development of domestic industrial software applications" as its core mission, creating a platform for communication between manufacturing enterprises and industrial software enterprises, and giving small and medium-sized enterprises the opportunity to visit, understand, and choose suitable industrial software in person.

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Leaders from the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Tianhe District Government, as well as representatives from SiE, manufacturing enterprises, and industrial software ecosystem partners, witnessed the unveiling of the Guangzhou Industrial Software Application Promotion Center, marking the official establishment of Guangzhou's first industrial software application promotion center. With the guidance and support of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Tianhe District Government, SiE will also fully leverage the leading role of industrial software enterprise innovation, develop the promotion center into a bridge between policy, market, scientific research and industry, and inject new impetus into the development of Guangzhou's industrial software industry.

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Driven by the digital wave, industrial software has become a key force in driving the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. In order to promote the innovation of industrial software and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, so as to promote its high-quality development, Saiyi Information signed a cooperation agreement with China Industrial Internet Research Institute Guangdong Branch, aiming to create an open innovation ecology, promote the innovative application of new generation information technology in the industrial field, and jointly promote the research and development of key technologies in the industrial Internet field.

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Rao Ning from the pilot application working group delivered a speech and introduced the policies for the pilot application of industrial software in Guangdong Province. He mentioned that he hopes industrial enterprises can open up their own application scenarios, rely on their experience and capabilities in the industrial field and digital transformation, collaborate with industrial software enterprises to solve the bottleneck problem of industrial software, and further assist industrial enterprises in digital transformation, making Guangdong the core base of China's industrial software industry.

Tan Ling, President of SiE China Business Center, also gave a detailed report on the operation plan of the promotion center. He emphasized that the promotion center aims to "leverage resource advantages and build a full chain industrial innovation ecosystem" as its operational goal, and cultivate and strengthen the industrial software ecosystem through the "one center, four platforms" operation model. At the same time, using the municipal innovation center as a platform, it links six major resources including expert think tanks, research institutions, leading enterprises, software vendors, higher education institutions, and association alliances to achieve "industry academia research application" collaboration.

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Taking this event as an opportunity, representatives from Guangzhou SiE Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Massive Data Technology Co., Ltd., Chengmai Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd., Qilin System Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Jialichuang Technology Group Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Maixi Software Co., Ltd., Wuhan Tianyu Software Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Zhongwang Longteng Software Co., Ltd., and Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd. held a collective signing ceremony, aiming to comprehensively link resources, promote efficient and accurate docking between supply and demand sides, accelerate enterprise digital transformation, and jointly open a new chapter in the promotion center.

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Industrial software is the engine of digital transformation in manufacturing, driving innovation and upgrading in the real economy. The promotion center will create an open and collaborative innovation ecosystem, gather industry resources, promote technological exchange and cooperation, unleash the potential of industrial software, and provide new momentum for the long-term development of the manufacturing industry.


About Guangzhou Industrial Software Application Promotion Center

The Guangzhou Industrial Software Application Promotion Center (referred to as the "Promotion Center") was established under the joint guidance of the Guangzhou Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Tianhe District People's Government, led by SiE and jointly established with multiple software and industrial enterprises. It is the first approved industrial software application promotion center in Guangzhou.

The Promotion Center takes "accelerating the innovative development of domestic industrial software applications" as its core mission, adheres to the development strategy of scientific leadership and demand driven, and is committed to gathering innovative resources from upstream and downstream industries. Its aim is to create a public service platform that integrates industrial software achievement display, resource sharing, technology and application scenario incubation, and technical talent cultivation functions.

With strong support from all sectors of society, SiE will work together with more software manufacturers to scientifically formulate development strategies and technology research and development plans, jointly promote innovation breakthroughs in core software, fully leverage resource advantages, achieve collaborative cooperation between industry, academia, research and application, and strive to build a leading and internationally competitive industrial software industry ecosystem, helping Guangzhou create a shining "new business card for industrial software applications".

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