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828 B2B Enterprise Festival | AI Activation Chain Transformation, Said by "Friends" of SiE

  • News and Information | 2024-09-09 15:38:33
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Introduction: In Guangdong, China, there is a company called SiE that emerged from the Fortune Global 500 and has been ranked first in the high-tech electronic MES market share for two consecutive years. Under the wave of digital intelligence, Saiyi Information is deeply engaged in the fields of industrial Internet, intelligent manufacturing, new generation information technology and digital transformation, and works with Huawei Cloud and other partners to jointly enable economic development with digital technology, innovate "smart" manufacturing, and help enterprises develop with high quality.

From 'single point breakthrough' to 'chain transformation'

Drive the transformation and upgrading of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain

In recent years, Guangdong Province has proposed to actively promote the "single point breakthrough" of digital transformation from individual enterprises to the "chain transformation" of the overall digital transformation and development of the industrial chain and supply chain, and strive to create a provincial sample of digital transformation in the manufacturing industry.

Compared to previous transformation and upgrading methods, Tan Ling, Vice President and President of China at SiE, stated that chain transformation not only focuses on the digital transformation of leading backbone enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, but also strengthens the digital transformation of individual industrial chains and supply chains. This transformation model promotes the optimization and upgrading of the entire industry chain, achieves resource sharing, collaborative innovation, and enhances overall competitiveness.


Tan Ling pointed out that "the so-called chain transformation is a very important force for small and medium-sized enterprises." In the process of helping the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises transform and upgrade, SiE actively explores and works with partners such as Huawei Cloud to empower them through digital technology, "helping enterprises to take the cloud based technology route well, not letting them fight alone, giving them more experience, ability and talent," and jointly accelerating the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises.

Digital Empowerment of Industrial Software

Injecting new vitality into the high-quality development of the industrial chain

SiE has been participating in the 828 B2B Enterprise Festival for 3 years now. In Tan Ling's view, the 828 B2B Enterprise Festival is a platform for co creation and integration, which can bring everyone together to explore better paths for digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Based on the Huawei Cloud Partner System, SiE has achieved co construction in digital supply chain and MOM products through Huawei Cloud technology support, creating a new generation of MOM products based on Huawei Cloud, and creating a scenario based tool chain system with a "platform+industry application" model.

The solution can support upstream and downstream cross industry applications on a single system, saving over 30% of engineering costs. At present, the solution has been launched for industries such as electronics and automotive parts, and has been piloted and promoted in multiple places such as Guangdong, Guizhou, and Shenzhen. The application effect has been highly praised by customers.

In addition, Huawei Cloud Partner System also provides technical support for SiE, helping enterprises enhance their technological capabilities, introduce high-quality business opportunities, and jointly provide customers with a friendly service platform.

Collaboration is like orchids, spreading its fragrance. Embrace and admire, win-win situation for all parties. Under the Huawei Cloud friendly cooperation system, the cooperation model between Saiyi Information and Huawei Cloud will bring mutual benefit and win-win opportunities for both parties. In the future, SiE will continue to work together with Huawei Cloud and numerous partners, using the 828 B2B Enterprise Festival as a platform hub to strengthen ecological links, explore new ideas and methods for digital transformation, create more high-quality channel resources and business opportunities, and jointly achieve good business and become a good enterprise.

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