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Southern Daily | This newly established university collaborates with Guangdong software companies to cultivate digital talents

  • Media attention | 2023-06-10 16:21:05
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On May 10th, the "New Industrial Revolution" forum was held in Xiamen National Torch High tech Zone, with the theme of "Digital Transformation and Remodeling Industry Core Competitiveness: Major Trends and New Choices". SiE Innovation Research Institute (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. (SAP (Xiamen) Digital Supply Chain Innovation Empowerment Center), as a partner of Xiamen Torch University, is invited to participate in this forum.

On May 9th, Xiamen Torch University, the first platform based industrial university in China's high-tech zone, was officially established. This platform based university is committed to building a deep connection between government, enterprise, academia, and research, with a high degree of integration between industry, academia, research, and application. Its goal is to "integrate into the enterprise and have zero distance from the market". SiE Information will work with Torch University to cultivate digital talents.

SiE Innovation Research Institute (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. is established in Xiamen National Torch High tech Zone. As a key digital field project introduced by Xiamen National Torch High tech Zone in 2020, it collaborates with international leading software company SAP and SiE Information to create and build the SAP (Xiamen) Digital Supply Chain Innovation Empowerment Center, Through an international software perspective and domestically localized digital operation services, focusing on the industrial foundation and advantages of Xiamen, utilizing technologies such as 5G, industrial internet, AI, and big data centers, we aim to create an innovative and empowering development platform that is "based in Xiamen, radiates southeast, and connects with the international community".

SiE Innovation Research Institute (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of SiE Information, a Guangdong industrial internet platform, and also the headquarters of SiE Information in the southeast region. As an important strategic partner of SAP in China, SiE Information has jointly established the Xiamen Innovation Empowerment Center, which is a new business model jointly explored with the local government in Xiamen - to assist local enterprises in digital transformation and upgrading through the Innovation Empowerment Center, Further promote the digitization and high-quality development of Xiamen.

The Xiamen Innovation Empowerment Center, jointly built by SAP and SiE (Xiamen) Innovation Research Institute, will gather advanced digital and software technology capabilities from both international and domestic sources, as well as high-end digital industry talents, to help build the high-tech zone into a demonstration zone for innovation driven development and a leading area for high-quality development.

Reporter: Gao Xiaoping



上一篇:Southern Metropolis Daily: Guangzhou Software Enterprise and Xiamen Torch University Achieve Strateg 下一篇:Industrial software independent innovation enters the window period, and SiE's information growth is


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