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Special Report by Southern Metropolis Daily | "Now is a Good Time for Enterprises to Practice Internal Skills"

  • Media attention | 2023-06-10 16:31:25
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  SiE Information Unmanned Factory Demonstration Line. Respondent provided pictures


Since difficulties and challenges are inevitable, then find ways to turn uncertainty into certainty. Established in 2005, Guangzhou SiE Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SiE Information") is now a leading enterprise in the domestic industrial software industry. From being just an agent of foreign large-scale industrial software to embarking on the path of independent research and development, from being listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to becoming the first batch of industrial software and blockchain product resource pool enterprises in Guangzhou, SiE Information has had a smooth sailing all the way. However, Zhang Chengkang said that it is inevitable to encounter difficulties as a company, and it is important to be fully prepared to face them in a conscious manner and not be at a loss.

As the helm of SiE Information, the changes in the external environment in the past two years have made Zhang Chengkang more convinced that the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry has great potential and is accelerating. "As long as you recognize the trend as right, stick to investing. You need to know that difficulties are temporary, and only by seeing the way ahead can you have confidence to face challenges

01 Industry's business pressure has significantly increased

Not long ago, SiE Information released its 2022 semi annual report. The report shows that SiE Information achieved a revenue of 1.026 billion yuan in the first half of this year, a year-on-year increase of 18.26%, and achieved a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of 67.71 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.8%.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the external environment has posed unprecedented challenges to the industrial supply chain, enterprise information collaboration, resource allocation, and operational efficiency, especially for manufacturing enterprises. More and more enterprises are realizing that through digital transformation, information collaboration can be enhanced within the enterprise, upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and between enterprises across the industrial chain, achieving effective supply and demand docking, intelligent resource allocation, and reducing production and operational costs for enterprises.

However, for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, they are facing a series of problems such as funding, technology, and talent, and are mostly facing the dilemma of "not daring to transfer, not being able to transfer". At the same time, large and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises have accelerated the pace of digital upgrading in order to better respond to external challenges, which has put forward higher requirements for the functional iteration speed of industrial software products. In recent years, industries such as home manufacturing, decoration engineering, and home appliance manufacturing have been under significant pressure, which has also had a certain impact on the business growth of SiE Information.

On the other hand, in the first half of this year, the domestic epidemic continued to spread from multiple locations and frequently occur in multiple places. Due to market circulation restrictions, contracts and seals with customers cannot be signed on-site, resulting in delayed orders. However, operating costs have not decreased. For example, under closed management in the past three months, SiE Information Shanghai Branch has incurred over ten million yuan in labor costs alone. If office rent is added, the expenses will be even higher.

Fortunately, SiE Information took emergency measures as soon as possible, thereby reducing losses and achieving growth throughout the first half of the year.

The changes in the environment are uncertain factors, and as enterprises, the first thing to consider is how to turn uncertainty into certainty. We need to build strong organizational resilience, and have a sound management system and emergency mechanisms to deal with this uncertainty. Only the stronger the internal system capabilities of enterprises, can they survive in uncertain environments more effectively



上一篇:Xinhua News Column Report | SiE Information Zhang Chengkang: Using Advanced Digital Technology and S 下一篇:Southern Daily Celebrates the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Special Report


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