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Win-win Cooperation | Saijie Digital Intelligence Consulting Joins Hands with Tsinghua Technology Innovation Center to Create a New Ecology of Artificial Intelligence

  • Event coverage | 2023-06-10 15:50:35
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In recent years, China's artificial intelligence industry has developed rapidly. At the national level, policies encourage the strengthening of intelligent industrial cooperation and actively create an open and inclusive artificial intelligence industry ecosystem. At the enterprise level, creating an open, integrated, and symbiotic artificial intelligence ecosystem has become a major development trend. The competition in the research and development of individual enterprise models has gradually evolved into a comprehensive competition in AI ecological platforms, technologies, scenarios, and other aspects.

Recently, Xie Renjie, General Manager of Saijie Digital Intelligence Consulting, a subsidiary of SiE Information, and Professor Chen Jin, Director of Tsinghua University's Technology Innovation Research Center, had a team exchange in Beijing. The two sides reached a deep cooperation, which will integrate their advantages in the industrial and academic fields, jointly build artificial intelligence service capabilities, and empower enterprises to transform and upgrade digital intelligence.

In the future, the Technology Innovation Research Center of Tsinghua University will become an important partner of SiE Information in the field of artificial intelligence. The two sides will jointly carry out research on artificial intelligence technology and its application models in enterprise management scenarios, injecting new intelligent momentum into the improvement of enterprise management efficiency and business efficiency, and helping enterprises open a new chapter in intelligent development.

At the same time, based on the company's deep digital and information construction practices and consulting experience in multiple industries and fields, combined with the advanced achievements of enterprise scientific and technological innovation ideas and academic research achievements of Tsinghua University's Technology Innovation Research Center, both parties will jointly conduct in-depth research on the development characteristics, evolution paths, and innovation management models of world-class enterprises, to help Chinese enterprises move towards world-class development.

So far, Saijie Digital Intelligence Consulting has collaborated with important research institutions such as Tsinghua University Technology Innovation Research Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Chongqing Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Sun Yat sen University, South China University of Technology, etc. to form an intelligent cooperation system. The artificial intelligence ecosystem, which is jointly participated by technology enterprises, universities, and industrial research institutes, has basically formed, and the high-level digital intelligence innovation service system jointly built by multiple parties has gradually improved, We will jointly assist manufacturing enterprises in digital transformation and high-quality development.

SiE Information always believes that the industrialization of artificial intelligence will inevitably lead to a new model of cooperation and mutual prosperity, and we are also willing to work with more partners to build a new ecosystem of innovation and integration.

Accumulation of digital and intelligent transformation of large enterprises in 2018

Provide customers with integrated "consulting+implementation" services

As a leading enterprise in digital transformation services for domestic enterprises, SiE Information has been actively involved in the construction of digital intelligence. The company has established a subsidiary of Saijie Digital Intelligence Consulting from a forward-looking and global perspective, providing customers with highly predictable, executable, and implementable solutions, forming an integrated service model of "consulting+implementation". Based on long-term experience in enterprise digitalization and informatization construction accumulated in multiple industry fields, we aim to create a digital transformation service capability that ranges from top-level digital planning to business process optimization and system construction, providing customers with complete data production factor application services from data acquisition to data circulation and data application.



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