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SiE Information Cai Shenglong: The Core of Industrial Internet is "Interconnection"

  • Event coverage | 2023-06-08 23:56:04
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In today's world, the distance between people is rapidly shrinking, and communication efficiency and productivity have greatly improved. Telecommunications technology has reshaped our lives and will continue to drive social progress.

On May 17th, Chen Zhaoxiong, Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Technology, stated that China's 5G commercial development has accelerated and more than 200000 5G base stations have been opened. 5G, a technology characterized by ultra-high speed, ultra-low latency, and ultra-high density, has captured people's appetite. People from all walks of life are eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Internet of Things era and pondering how the creativity of telecommunications technology will continue to break the boundaries of imagination.

On the occasion of the 51st World Telecommunication Day, SiE Information was invited to attend the "2020 World Telecommunication Day" special plan - the 5G New Life Salon on Cloud, hosted by Daily Economic News and provided intellectual support by think tanks. Together with enterprises from different industries such as ZTE, JD, Ping An, and Radio and Television Express, SiE Information discussed the new changes brought by 5G technology to industries such as industrial internet, mobile phones, chips, VR, healthcare, and construction.


If there is an accident with a common "gate" in daily life, there may be a phenomenon of "jamming", and fault detection is very important. Cai Shenglong, Vice President of SiE Information, introduced that 5G technology can ensure the timeliness and reliability of data. The "smart library" formed by data sources and third-party standard libraries can form diagnostic models for various equipment faults, and timely output warning and diagnostic reports.

Fault prediction scheme based on online monitoring


data acquisition

During the gate movement (opening/closing process), acceleration is generated, and at the moment of stability, an impact signal (residual vibration) is generated. Vibration sensors are deployed in key parts of the movement to monitor the operating status of the gate in real-time and collect vibration data.


data analysis

The signal obtained from static collection can be considered as noise. Therefore, it is necessary to filter the signal and filter out related noise. At the same time, due to the continuous sampling of data signals, it is not conducive to computer processing. Therefore, it is necessary to intercept the signals before and after the vibration shock moment as samples for computer analysis.


Fault prediction

The diagnostic analysis model is built-in with various common machine learning algorithms, including neural networks, genetic algorithms, clustering algorithms, and so on. Just like the decision tree algorithm, it utilizes the sorting of energy entropy and information gain to gradually obtain branches and branch conditions, ultimately forming a tree like judgment model.


Cai Shenglong, Vice President of SiE Information and General Manager of Industrial Internet Subsidiary, shared his views on the 5G era of industrial Internet: the core of industrial Internet is "interconnection", which is the key and foundation for the manufacturing industry to achieve intelligent manufacturing. In order to expand the industrial internet field, SiE Information has launched the "Industrial Bracelet". In Cai Shenglong's view, industrial bracelets are big data systems for industrial equipment, with core values being the realization of equipment data value, output of warning and diagnostic reports. Due to the large and complex data volume of industrial bracelet monitoring, 5G can ensure the timeliness and reliability of data during data collection and transmission to the cloud.

SiE Industrial Bracelet

Quickly support high-value replicable small scenario applications


Deployment perspective

The Industrial Bracelet is a complete SiE Industrial Internet Solution Suite, which includes various sensors, intelligent gateways, industrial Internet platforms, and industrial business applications centered on device digitization.



Data perspective

The essence of industrial bracelets is the application of big data in industrial equipment, and the core value lies in realizing the value of equipment data, outputting warning and diagnostic reports.



Scene perspective

The technical core of industrial bracelets comes from the application of sensor technology+5G+AOT.


SiE "Industrial Bracelet" is a complete SiE Industrial Internet solution package, which integrates software and hardware. The "Industrial Bracelet" serves three major entities in the upstream and downstream of the equipment industry chain, achieving lean equipment operation and management for customers, innovating industrial service models, and achieving a new state of industrial maintenance.



上一篇:SiE Information and Guangdong University Achievement Transformation Center jointly build a joint res 下一篇:SiE Information: Intelligent Manufacturing and Industrial Internet are the Development Trends of Fut


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