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Strong Alliance to Create a Future | SiE Information and Signal Technology Sign a Strategic Cooperation Agreement

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 15:21:55
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On April 18th, the signing ceremony for cooperation between Guangzhou SiE Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SiE Information") and Shenzhen Xunfang Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xunfang Technology") was successfully held at Xunfang Technology Headquarters. The two parties had on-site exchanges on talent cultivation, technological advancement, career development, and signed a strategic cooperation agreement.

Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, Tan Ling, Vice President, Wang Jun, General Manager of SiE Innovation Research Institute (Xiamen) Co., Ltd., Yang Xiangliang, Director of Business Development Department in China, Zhang Shunguo, Director of Political and Enterprise Expansion Department of Huawei Systems Department, Chen Liqun, Director of Education Development Department, Liu Dongming, Marketing Director of Education Development Department, Zhou Xianpeng, Sales Manager of Education Development Department, Dai Yi, Chairman of Signal Technology, Liu Guofeng, President, and Tang Xianyong, Deputy General Manager Vice General Manager Yue Yang and Shenzhen Regional Manager Huang Meng attended the signing ceremony.

(Visiting the Signal Technology Exhibition Hall)

At the signing ceremony, Dai Yi, the Chairman of Xunfang Technology, welcomed and thanked the arrival of SiE Information and his team, and shared in depth the achievements of Xunfang Technology in talent training and innovation practice. As an industry education integrated enterprise, Xunfeng Technology has always attached great importance to education and talent cultivation, actively exploring new methods, models, and paths, constructing an institutional framework and mechanism for industry education integration, and promoting precise integration of education supply and industrial demand. In the future, both parties will fully leverage their respective resource advantages to promote long-term, comprehensive, and in-depth cooperation, mutual learning, and common growth.

(Dai Yi, Chairman of Xunfang Technology, delivers a speech)

Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, pointed out that SiE Information, as one of the most promising leading enterprises in the field of digital services for domestic enterprises, "adheres to the vision of making Chinese enterprises a world enterprise", focuses on the application of technology and business models in industries such as industrial internet, intelligent manufacturing, next-generation information technology, and digital transformation, and provides high-end software consulting, implementation, and integration services for enterprises. This cooperation with Xunfeng Technology is not only a strong alliance, but also a complementary advantage. We hope that both sides can engage in deep cooperation in industrial software talent cultivation and student internship employment services. By continuously providing industrial software education resources to leading enterprises and benchmark universities, we can work together to create an industrial software talent cultivation ecosystem and provide solid talent protection for the high-quality development of Chinese corporate society.

(Speech by the Chairman and CEO of SiE Information)

The signing ceremony was witnessed by Zhang Chengkang, Chairman of SiE Information&CEO, and Dai Yi, Chairman of Xunfeng Technology. The strategic cooperation agreement was jointly signed by Tan Ling, Vice President of SiE Information, and Liu Guofeng, President of Xunfeng Technology, as representatives.

(Both parties sign a strategic cooperation agreement)

Starting from this strategic signing, SiE Information will practice the concept of "cultivating digital intelligence talents and serving industrial upgrading", work together with Signal Technology to resonate with the same frequency, continuously expand cooperation areas, innovate cooperation models, deepen cooperation content, base itself in the Bay Area and radiate across the country, enhance the development resilience of the enterprise with advanced products, technologies, and comprehensive courses, and lead the digital intelligence transformation of the enterprise.

previous:The Industry Education Integration | SiE Information · Signal Party · Shenzhen Information Industry next:SiE Information, as a core partner of Huawei MetaERP, attended the oath ceremony and was recognized
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