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The Industry Education Integration | SiE Information · Signal Party · Shenzhen Information Industry Education Integration Exchange Seminar and the unveiling ceremony of the domestic industrial softw

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 15:20:22
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On April 18, 2023, the SiE Information · Xunfang · Shenzhen Information Industry Education Integration Exchange Seminar and the unveiling ceremony of the Domestic Industrial Software Talent Training Strategic Cooperation Demonstration Base were held at Shenzhen Vocational and Technical College of Information Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Information"), Guangzhou SiE Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SiE Information") and Shenzhen Xunfang Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xunfang Technology") are invited to participate in this seminar.

Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, Tan Ling, Vice President, Wang Jun, General Manager of Innovation Research Institute (Xiamen) Co., Ltd., Chen Liqun, Director of Development Department, Liu Dongming, Marketing Director of Development Department, Zhou Xianpeng, Sales Manager of Development Department, Dai Yi, Chairman of Signal Technology, Liu Guofeng, President, Tang Xianyong, Deputy General Manager, Yue Yang, Deputy General Manager, Huang Meng, Shenzhen Regional Manager, Wang Hui, Principal of Shenzhen Information Technology, and Wang Xiruo, Director of Academic Affairs Zhuang Peican, Director of the President's Office, Zhang Yajing, Deputy Director, Zhao Weiqiang, Secretary of the Party Branch of the School of Intelligent Manufacturing and Equipment, Liu Mingjun, Vice Dean of the School of Intelligent Manufacturing and Equipment, and Wei Zhili, Director of the Industrial Software Development Technology Teaching and Research Office of the School of Intelligent Manufacturing and Equipment, attended the seminar.

Before the meeting, SiE Information and the attending leaders and guests visited the Shenzhen Information Industrial Software Training Base, intuitively experiencing the achievements of Shenzhen Information's integration of industry and education. This base relies on the college's rich experience in technological research and development and industrial services in the field of industrial software, and based on the advantages of intelligent manufacturing, integrates the core professional group of industrial software development technology, and is committed to becoming a national industrial software talent training demonstration base and technical service demonstration base.

Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, delivers a speech

Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, explained the educational resources that SiE Information can share in school enterprise cooperation, and analyzed the necessity and urgency of developing industrial software talents in China from the perspective of industrial software research and development enterprises. Combining SiE Information's years of practical experience in the field of industrial software, he shared the talent demand direction of industrial software research and development enterprises. I hope to take this seminar as an opportunity to carry out comprehensive talent cultivation and scientific research cooperation with the school. By cultivating a "dual teacher and dual ability" teaching innovation team, building an industry university research service platform, promoting active interaction between scientific research and innovative talent cultivation, and jointly cultivating high-quality talents with universities, we can gather more wisdom and strength for industrial software talent cultivation, and promote the transformation of the domestic manufacturing industry.


Wang Hui, Principal of Shenzhen Information Technology, Delivers a Speech

Principal Wang Hui of Shenzhen Information Technology Co., Ltd. briefly introduced the school's educational history and professional positioning, stating that as one of the first universities in China to offer the Industrial Software Development Technology major, Shenzhen Information Technology Co., Ltd. will focus on investing in the construction of the Industrial Software major from aspects such as faculty allocation, practical conditions, and teaching resources. I hope to deepen the integration of industry and education with SiE Information, and engage in comprehensive strategic cooperation in talent cultivation, teaching content, and technological breakthroughs, so as to effectively connect talent cultivation with market demand, improve the quality of school education supply, enhance the core competitiveness of the school, and continue to cultivate composite innovative technical and skilled talents, contributing to the high-quality and rapid development of China's industrial software and intelligent manufacturing industry.

Subsequently, school and enterprise leaders jointly unveiled the "Demonstration Base for Strategic Cooperation in Cultivating Domestic Industrial Software Talents", and Wang Jun, General Manager of SiE Information Innovation Research Institute (Xiamen) Co., Ltd., represented the enterprise in donating scholarships to Shenzhen Information Intelligent Manufacturing and Equipment College.


Unveiling the Demonstration Base for Strategic Cooperation in Cultivating Domestic Industrial Software Talents

The unveiling of the domestic industrial software strategic cooperation demonstration base marks another milestone in the school enterprise cooperation process of SiE Information, opening a new chapter in comprehensive strategic cooperation. Both sides will leverage their cutting-edge technological capabilities, focus on industry and educational resource advantages, collaborate to explore high-quality research results with industry application prospects, establish industry-leading collaborative education mechanisms, and jointly cultivate domestic industrial software application and research and development talents.


Take a group photo as a souvenir

In the context of the digital era, cultivating applied digital talents and composite IT talents has become the core goal. Based on their respective advantages, SiE Information and Deep Information jointly build bases, deeply integrate industry education and industry learning, and form a unique talent cultivation model. In the future, SiE Information will strengthen multi-dimensional cooperation between schools and enterprises, continuously empowering education and teaching reform and talent cultivation.

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