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Cooperate and upgrade again! SiE Information Becomes a Strategic Partner of Huawei Cloud in the Same Boat

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 11:38:40
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 On May 17th, the Huawei China Ecological Conference 2021, which was titled "Born by Gathering, Capable and Promising", opened at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center. Guangzhou SiE Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SiE Information") was invited to attend this grand event. As a significant part of this conference - the signing and release of Huawei Cloud's "2021 Strategic Partnership for Together in the Sea", SiE Information has become Huawei Cloud's "2021 Strategic Partnership for Together in the Sea" due to its years of construction and strength in the digital field.

At the conference, Huawei Cloud and SiE Information signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two sides will further deepen cooperation in the cloud field, build a strategic cooperation relationship of working together, go to the future, seek common development, and jointly create greater commercial value for customers.

As the highest level form of cooperation, "Tongzhou Tongji Partner" is a core partner that Huawei Cloud hopes to establish with a very small number of partners. Based on a good benefit sharing mechanism, we will build a new type of ecological cooperation relationship together, allowing more developers and development enterprises to develop their own business based on Huawei Cloud and achieve common growth.

SiE Information has deeply participated in Huawei's information and digital construction, witnessing Huawei's transition from domestic to international, from a supplier to extensive cooperation with Huawei Cloud three years ago, to now becoming the highest level strategic partner of Huawei Cloud in the same boat, and joining their Kunpeng Plan. At the same time, we cooperate with Huawei Cloud in consulting and planning for enterprise digital transformation, as well as in the application of digital products and cloud products, to serve more and more enterprises and bring some new concepts.


Huawei is not only a leading high-tech manufacturing enterprise in the world, but also a benchmark for digital transformation of Chinese enterprises. It not only understands manufacturing and enterprises, but also has its own excellent digital transformation practical experience and technological research and innovation. As a leading domestic enterprise in digital transformation and upgrading, SiE Information has accumulated 16 years of product technology experience and insight into 23 industries, and adheres to the strategic strategy of "industry driven, customer centered, and product technology driven". This coincides with Huawei's development philosophy of being a "knowledgeable person".

The supply chain has always been the key to the development of manufacturing enterprises. At this ecological conference, SiE Information and Huawei Cloud jointly launched a digital supply chain solution, which combines SiE Information's years of accumulation in supply chain solutions in the manufacturing industry with Huawei Cloud's advanced digital transformation practices. This solution achieves the visualization of orders, risk warning, and intelligent operation of the supply chain, helping enterprises achieve the best supply efficiency and optimal supply cost in the supply chain.

2021 marks the tenth year of the "Huawei Ecological Conference" series of activities. In the past decade, the digital development of domestic enterprises has undergone drastic changes, and the next decade will also usher in a new stage of digital transformation for Qianhang Baiye. Technology symbiosis, business win-win, SiE Information and Huawei will integrate their own resources and aggregate ecological capabilities, with the confidence of working together to build sustainable business capabilities and innovate value in the digital new era.

previous:SiE (Xiamen) Innovation Research Institute was invited to participate in the signing ceremony of Xia next:SiE Information was invited to participate in the "Manufacturing Enterprise Digital Transformat
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