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SiE Information Visits WeChat Roundtable Forum to Discuss the Business Growth of Enterprises Driven by Digitalization

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 11:25:41
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-How can traditional enterprises seize opportunities and achieve breakthroughs in the Internet era?

-How should enterprises choose and apply digital tools to achieve and drive business growth?

-In the new era of traffic, how can digitization help enterprises gain more users?


Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information, was invited to participate in the WeChat Roundtable Forum. He Yun, Vice President of Marketing at Ctrip Group, Wang Tianye, General Manager of Meijia Maicai, Tang Qixian, Product Manager of Xicha Users, Zhu Hengyuan, Professor of Global Industry Research Institute at Tsinghua University, and Hu Renjie, Vice General Manager of WeChat Open Platform Foundation, gathered at the roundtable with Yang Hao, Editor in Chief of Tencent News, as practitioners and observers of enterprise digital transformation, Focusing on the dialogue and collision of "enterprise growth", we will discuss the business growth of enterprises driven by digitalization, bringing insights into the commercial value and new opportunities of enterprise digital transformation behind the WeChat mini program ecosystem.

The "WeChat Roundtable" mini program special session will reveal the digital decision-making thinking behind the rapid growth of these enterprises.

Click on the mini program below to watch the program immediately

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