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Combination Innovation ", the" Intelligent Manufacturing Road "of SiE Information

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 11:24:58
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In the post pandemic era, the digitization and intelligence process of traditional enterprises has significantly accelerated. The consulting company McKinsey has made a statistical estimate that in just two months from March to April this year, global enterprise digital transformation and application achieved progress equivalent to the five years before the epidemic; A survey conducted by consulting firm Dresner for global enterprises shows that 49% of enterprises have initiated new business intelligence and data analysis projects or accelerated the deployment of similar projects.

At present, intelligent manufacturing has become the focus of competition in the manufacturing industry of major countries worldwide, and China has now become the world's largest intelligent manufacturing market. Faced with such a huge market size, international industrial giants have increased their investment in the Chinese market, such as Siemens, Bosch, ABB, SAP, etc. With their basic advantages in the manufacturing industry, they have also made rapid progress. At the same time, in this process, they seek deep cooperation from domestic high-quality enterprises to effectively adapt international standards and localization. As a leading digital and intelligent enterprise enabler in China, SiE Information has also become a rising "new star" in this process, and has also leapt to become a member of the list of intelligent manufacturing enterprises, helping thousands of large and medium-sized enterprises embark on the path of "intelligent transformation and upgrading".

From the 15 year development history of SiE Information, it can be seen that since its establishment, SiE Information has had a strong international development perspective. It has long-term cooperation with international frontline manufacturers such as Huawei, Alibaba, Tencent, SAP, Siemens, ORACLE, INFOR, KRONOS, and StiboSystem, introducing the most cutting-edge international industry technology and solution systems, and providing "customized" practical services by combining with local enterprises, Sedimentation and creation of SiE's independently developed product system, covering industrial internet, intelligent manufacturing, smart marketing, big data, supply chain management, financial sharing, sensors and other fields.

Since 2017, SiE Information has established a partnership with Siemens, implementing Siemens Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Product/Service Lifecycle Management (PLM/SLM) through agency. It has successfully provided product implementation services to multiple industry benchmark enterprises, providing effective digital technology support for their digital transformation. In 2020, it was awarded the Siemens Gold Partner Award.

Jingke Energy, a world-renowned solar photovoltaic enterprise, is one of the few photovoltaic manufacturers in the world with a vertically integrated industrial chain. In the process of enterprise digital transformation, Jingke Energy has selected Siemens' Camstar MES product as the core solution for intelligent manufacturing, achieving standardization, transparency, and digitization of workshop production and manufacturing processes; The MES system performs real-time control and tracking during the production process to improve the traceability of product manufacturing, query and analyze production history, provide better quality control analysis methods, achieve visibility and traceability of the production process, and lay a solid foundation for the strategic goals of Jingke Energy's intelligent manufacturing. Through the joint efforts of SiE Information and Jingke Energy, the following results have been successfully achieved: 1. The direct manpower in the workshop has been significantly reduced; 2. The yield rate has significantly improved; 3. In terms of preventive management of equipment, the overall efficiency of the equipment has also been improved; 4. Realized transparent traceability of process quality and SPC online preventive monitoring management.

In the field of small home appliances, Xiaoxiong Electric is the creator of Mengjia Electric Appliances and has always led product innovation in the small home appliance industry. Xiaoxiong Electric uses Siemens Teamcenter solutions to organize and import massive historical data into the system, ensuring the accuracy of business data. Through the high integration of PLM and ERP, a large number of manual modifications caused by BOM changes are reduced, and stagnant materials caused by BOM changes are reduced, improving the accuracy of data and operational efficiency. Through PLM project management, it is possible to clarify the business priorities of R&D projects and grasp key control points in a short period of time. Through project implementation, SiE Information has organized the business process for Little Bear Electric, integrated the product development process into PLM for management, integrated enterprise resources, designed the same data source on the design end, built a product collaborative design management platform, efficiently managed research and development design data, and reduced the product development cycle, providing a working environment for product innovation, achieving standardization, electronicization, and standardization of product development business; Seamless integration of PLM and ERP has been achieved, solving issues of material and BOM accuracy and efficiency.

As an enabler of enterprise digitalization and intelligence, SiE Information is constantly strengthening its independent research and development capabilities in the process of collaborating with leading global industrial software and digitalization giants, including Siemens. The independently developed industrial internet platforms, industrial apps, SAAS applications, intelligent sensors, and industrial gateways all have independent intellectual property rights. The company has expanded from software research and development to intelligent hardware research and development, Intelligent sensors and other fields. Having an international perspective and a spirit of cooperation is an inherent "gene" in SiE Information, learning from the outstanding, innovating "on the shoulders of giants", striving to become outstanding, and enabling more Chinese enterprises to go global.

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