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SiE Information Enters Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group to Share the New Development of Intelligent Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical Enterprises

  • Event coverage | 2023-06-10 17:19:26
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In order to further promote the informationization construction work of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. and help enterprises timely understand the development direction of informationization network and data security in the pharmaceutical industry, the Informationization Club of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group recently held a "Network and Data Security Theme Sharing Conference", inviting a team of SiE Information Digitalization Experts and Consultants to attend, We shared the theme of "Using Technology, Improving Quality, Reducing Costs - A Brief Introduction to Intelligent Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical Enterprises" for the heads of information technology departments and relevant business department personnel of the group company and its subsidiaries (branches).

With the strengthening of health awareness among Chinese residents, the obvious trend of aging population, and the innovation and development of pharmaceutical technology, the pharmaceutical industry is expected to maintain sustained growth in the coming years. It is predicted that by 2022, the market size of China's pharmaceutical industry will exceed 300 billion US dollars. Based on the accumulation of experience in digital solutions for multiple industry leading enterprises in the field of big health, SiE Information proposes that the pharmaceutical industry has unique characteristics in intelligent transformation compared to other industries: due to the high standards and strict requirements of GMP regulation on pharmaceutical enterprises, the process control of pharmaceutical enterprise information construction projects is more standardized, and computerized system validation (CSV) has a significant impact on project cycle and cost.

Made in China 2025 "leads pharmaceutical companies to improve their informatization and automation levels. SiE Information believes that the essence of pharmaceutical companies' digital transformation lies in establishing standardized procedures through the use of computerized programs, such as new product development and design, production process actions, key process equipment, and process monitoring processes. Therefore, when collaborating with pharmaceutical companies for digital transformation, SiE Information will, based on the company's own situation, save energy consumption and reduce total production and manufacturing costs as much as possible under the conditions of intensified competition and rising cost prices. Through digital transformation, SiE Information aims to conduct multi-dimensional comparative analysis of key production output items, achieve unity of company standards, and ultimately carry out vertical control of the group. At the event site, SiE Information also shared the intelligent process path for collecting and monitoring key process parameters for a freeze-dried powder enterprise.

As an enabler of digitalization and intelligence in enterprises, SiE Information takes the product lifecycle of the enterprise as the research object, guided by the SDTS methodology, assists enterprises in achieving the integration of standardization, lean, automation, informatization, and intelligence in the process of intelligent manufacturing transformation, establishes new models of enterprise intelligent manufacturing, establishes industry best practice standards, and enhances the core competitiveness of the enterprise. By constructing an intelligent manufacturing standard system, design, production, logistics, sales, and services are coordinated, guided by standardized projects, and existing internal business processes and products are sorted out to achieve standardization, serving as an important reference blueprint for enterprise "intelligent manufacturing". The intelligent manufacturing product service system of SiE Information covers the digital transformation process of the enterprise throughout the entire cycle of consulting planning and execution of software and hardware services, as well as operation and maintenance services in the later stages of the project.



上一篇:SiE Information "2020 Enterprise Digital Innovation Salon Activity" (Kunshan Station) Succ 下一篇:Exploration and Practice of SiE Information Sharing Electric Machinery Enterprise Digital Factory 2.


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