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Focusing on Industrial Interconnection and Intelligent Manufacturing, SiE Information Empowers Enterprise Digital Transformation

  • Event coverage | 2023-06-10 17:17:47
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Recently, the "Industrial Interconnection and Intelligent Manufacturing Digital Transformation Case Seminar" jointly organized by Transformers, Guangzhou Logistics Technology and Application Association, and Guangzhou Software Industry Association was held at the Guangzhou Canton Fair Exhibition Hall. The seminar mainly focused on the achievements and excellent implementation solutions of industrial Internet and intelligent manufacturing digital transformation. SiE Information was also invited to participate and shared topics related to digital transformation with companies such as Zhonghaida Group and Benlang New Materials.

In March of this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Notice on Accelerating the Development of Industrial Internet", which introduced 20 specific measures from six aspects, including accelerating new infrastructure construction. Intelligent manufacturing, as a breakthrough point for the digital, intelligent, efficient, and automated transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, has become an urgent demand for enterprises and an important part of their competitive layout. The advantages of intelligent manufacturing and industrial internet bring broad opportunities for the development of SiE Information.

As one of the most promising leading enterprises in the field of digital services for domestic enterprises, SiE Information has always focused on the application of new generation information technology, industrial internet, intelligent manufacturing, digital transformation technology and business models, delving into various industries to understand the landing applications and latest explorations of different needs in the developing manufacturing industry. The digital intelligence business platform of SiE Information is widely used in customer enterprise marketing, manufacturing, and financial business, breaking down internal and external information barriers, and achieving full channel information flow, logistics, and fund circulation transparency and visualization. The "Unmanned Factory Demonstration Line" has achieved the fastest management process from "production orders" to "completion orders" in just five minutes. The industrial internet solution kit "Industrial Bracelet" independently developed by SiE Information is a killer application of the industrial internet platform. By collecting vibration frequencies such as noise, vibration, and temperature of industrial equipment, real-time monitoring of the equipment's operation status is carried out, and the "health" of industrial equipment is protected anytime and anywhere, optimizing production and operation efficiency. SMOM products with fully independent intellectual property rights are a comprehensive solution provided by SiE Information for manufacturing enterprises, especially for discrete industries. Focusing on the central theme of intelligent manufacturing, we provide consulting, planning, and implementation services from both hardware and software directions, helping enterprises enhance sustainable competitiveness in the four dimensions of standardization, automation, lean manufacturing, and informatization.

The COVID-19 in the first half of 2020 has had a great impact on China's economic development. Under this adverse economic condition, SiE Information has achieved a performance growth against the trend. Its revenue in the first half of the year increased by 11.44% year on year, showing strong enterprise vitality. It also shows the trend of promoting more enterprises to carry out digital and intelligent upgrading and transformation through this epidemic. As a long-term practitioner who assists the industry and many leading enterprises in achieving 'digital' transformation, SiE Information will continue to expand its digital business landscape in the future and actively empower the enterprise's digital transformation.



上一篇:SiE Information Appears at China International Digital Software Exhibition to Share Enterprise Digit 下一篇:SiE Information "2020 Enterprise Digital Innovation Salon Activity" (Kunshan Station) Succ


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