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SiE Information: Developing Digital Operation of Industrial Internet Assets is Essential

  • Event coverage | 2023-06-10 17:13:47
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On August 21st, SiE Information was invited to participate in the "New Infrastructure" Industry Online Salon - "Next Wind: Industrial Internet under New Infrastructure" themed live broadcast event, organized by China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute and sponsored by Saidi.com, "Digital Economy" magazine, and Saidirong Media. Zhou Shaoshuai, Director of Industrial Internet Consulting at CCID Times, Wang Yiyan, Senior Vice President of HumiNet, Cai Shenglong, Vice President of CCID Information&General Manager of Industrial Internet Subsidiary, Wang Yang, Deputy Director of Consumer Daily, and Zhou Ying, Founder of Blue Technology and Deputy Secretary General of Global Technology Media Alliance, participated in this live broadcast to discuss how the digital economy is growing against the trend in the post pandemic era, and how governments, enterprises, and markets are developing under the "new infrastructure". Cai Shenglong gave a keynote speech on "Consolidating New Infrastructure and How to Digitize Asset Operations" during the live broadcast, and answered questions from media and netizens online.

Cai Shenglong, Vice President of SiE Information and General Manager of Industrial Internet Subsidiary

Regarding the digitization of asset operations, which is closely related to the industrial internet, Cai Shenglong discussed the close connection between asset operation digitization and the industrial internet in combination with the experience of SiE Information in asset operation digitization. Against the backdrop of the accelerated development of a new round of global technological and industrial revolutions, as a product of the deep integration of manufacturing and the internet, the industrial internet has become an important support for the digital transformation of manufacturing. The digital transformation of the manufacturing industry is an inevitable trend, and the current "epidemic" has once again pushed it to the "wind". Therefore, comprehensive asset management is crucial for enterprises, and the stable operation and efficient collaboration of equipment will directly determine the level of production efficiency.

SiE Information's digital asset management approach is to build a device data center, integrate real-time industrial internet data into traditional device management business, and focus on data to achieve a closed-loop planning, execution, evaluation, and optimization of asset maintenance, continuously settling maintenance strategies. So the digital solution of SiE Information aims to achieve human-machine collaboration, improve management efficiency, including operational sustainability, visualization of asset analysis, and executable tasks. Support through mobility, keep track of work records at all times, and ensure its execution through personnel monitoring. Through online monitoring, personnel can trigger work order information based on early warning and automatic diagnosis, and provide corrective measures. You can also find a better path through overall evaluation and optimization.

SiE Information was established in 2005 and has become one of the most promising leading enterprises in the field of digital services for domestic enterprises. SiE Information focuses on next-generation information technology, industrial internet, intelligent manufacturing, digital transformation technology, and business model applications, providing high-end software consulting and implementation services for enterprises. Gradually expanding from large-scale core ERP solutions to the fields of digital procurement management and digital marketing management upstream and downstream of the enterprise supply chain, combined with corresponding mid level and big data technologies, a complete enterprise level digital comprehensive solution has been formed. The service field of SiE Information is continuously expanding, and research and development is also continuously invested in the industrial internet field, Upgrade industrial internet platform products based on new generation communication and IoT technologies such as 5G and AIOT. For example, we have independently developed an industrial internet system that includes four parts: industrial bracelets, industrial gateways, transmission methods, and industrial internet platforms, further expanding industry application scenarios and constructing rich and diverse industrial internet integration applications. As an important support for the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, the industrial internet will continue to enhance SiE Information's innovation capabilities in the field of industrial internet, further empowering enterprises for digital transformation.



上一篇:2020CCF-GAIR SiE Information Wonderful Sharing Industrial Internet Dry Goods 下一篇:The 28th Guangzhou Expo Successfully Holds SiE Information and Appears in the Science and Technology


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