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SiE Gu Shen Industrial aPaaS platform won the technology award at the Saidi "Digital Driven Innovation Summit"!

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 15:23:28
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Recently, the "DDIS 2023 First Digital Drive Innovation Summit" came to a successful conclusion, and the conference held a centralized display and recognition of the latest digital drive achievements nationwide. The SiE Gu Shen Industrial aPaaS platform has won the "2022-2023 Digital Service Innovation Technology Award" for its innovative methods and deep practice in the field of "Enterprise Digital Intelligence Innovation Base".

(The fifth on the left is Yuan Haigang, Technical Director of the aPaaS platform of SiE Gu Shen Industry)

(Award Certificate)

This summit is jointly organized by CCID Network, a direct subsidiary of CCID Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the "Digital Economy" magazine under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The theme is "New Elements, New Production, and New Economy", aiming to provide a good service platform for industry exchange and cooperation as well as the exhibition and display of digital driven innovation achievements, Collaborate with multiple industry innovation influential enterprises and strategic partners to set a benchmark for the innovative development of digital economy construction through various forms of display and promotion, and promote the dissemination and transformation of digital driven thinking, experience, and achievements throughout society.

In the era of digital economy, data has become the fifth largest factor of production after land, labor, capital, and technology. To transform data resources into social productivity and become a new engine of economic growth, it is necessary to rely on digital driven innovative thinking and technological achievements. Based on years of successful experience and business needs accumulated through deep industry cultivation, SiE Information has created an independently controllable, safe and reliable information and innovation platform product: SiE Gushen Industrial aPaaS platform. With the help of platform capabilities, enterprises can quickly build a data asset system, build a unified data base across all domains, support the construction of enterprise data assets and data intelligence applications, achieve a data value closed-loop of business data, data asset, asset service, and service value, and improve the overall operational efficiency of enterprises.

SiE · Gushen Industrial aPaaS Platform

SiE · Gushen Industrial aPaaS platform is a technology support platform developed by SiE Information based on its own technological development and customer agile IT needs, with independent intellectual property rights. The platform integrates design, development, integration, implementation, application, and governance. Based on cloud native, DDD thinking, microservice architecture, and agile and efficient DevOps delivery system, it constructs a design model, business model, and microservice development framework to manage microservice applications throughout their lifecycle, and provides component-based and service-oriented development and management for them; Assist enterprises in transforming traditional centralized architectures, creating large-scale, highly available, and experiential cloud applications, achieving smooth upgrades of traditional architectures, and driving rapid business innovation.

(Overall Architecture of Gu Shen Industrial aPaaS Platform)

As the "new IT" technology foundation for enterprises, the SiE Gu Shen Industrial aPaaS platform breaks the traditional IT governance architecture and builds a closed loop architecture of business, data, and technology with three core engines: low code application development, cross system service/data integration, and data access and governance. It creates an enterprise cloud platform that integrates design, development, integration, implementation, application, and governance, One stop coverage covers the three core digital core scenarios of "application construction, data development governance, and system integration", helping enterprises build core business capabilities for digital transformation, reducing duplicate construction of enterprise IT and business, reducing the cost of chimney style collaboration, and timely responding to rapid changes in the front-end environment.

(Three major engines redefine the new generation of digital infrastructure)

Based on the successful digital practices of SiE Information in over 1000 leading enterprises in the fields of home appliances, electronics, chemicals, automobiles, machinery, home furnishings, big health, and fast-moving consumer retail, the Gu Shen platform has incubated mature applications such as business finance integration MDFP, IT business intelligent operation and maintenance ITSM, integrated supply chain, integrated quality management QMS, equipment asset management EAM, energy management EMS, big data, and human resource management HCM in different industries Successfully launched in different customer scenarios, supporting the smooth operation of the business.

This time, SiE · Gushen Industrial aPaaS platform won the "2022-2023 Digital Service Innovation Technology Award" from Saidi, which is a re recognition of the innovation ability and technical strength of Gushen platform in the industry.

In the future, the SiE Gu Shen Industrial aPaaS platform will continue to focus on enterprise business capabilities, ecosystems, and other aspects. By integrating with new technological architectures, it will help enterprises break traditional management and industry boundaries, and achieve comprehensive interaction between technology and business; By empowering technology and business integration innovation, reshaping enterprise production and operation models, improving resource allocation efficiency, promoting innovation in management models and concepts, and stimulating endogenous driving forces for enterprise development.

previous:SiE Information, as a core partner of Huawei MetaERP, attended the oath ceremony and was recognized next:SiE Information won the "2022-2023 Most Influential Digital Innovation Enterprise Award" f
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