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Good news! SiE Information was awarded the title of "2022 Digital Transformation Leading Enterprise"

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 15:16:36
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On November 3rd, the "5th Industry Informatization Technology Innovation and Development Summit" jointly hosted by CCID.com and Digital Economy magazine was held in Beijing. The summit, with the theme of "Inspiring the Future through Information and Innovation in the Era of Track Transformation," invited industry experts, executives of leading enterprises in the field of information technology, chief digital officers, and other information workers to deeply explore the practical insights and successful cases of enterprises in information technology and digital transformation development. The selection of "2022 Industry Informatization Competitiveness Achievements" was solemnly announced on site, and SiE Information was awarded the "2022 Digital Transformation Leading Enterprise" due to its outstanding strength and development capabilities in the field of digital transformation.


This award is based on the "Industry Informatization Competitiveness Evaluation Index System", and is evaluated around the innovative achievements of the applicant enterprise in shaping the core competitiveness of informatization in the industry. It has a high level and authority in the field of industry informatization, not only reflecting the development direction of future information and innovation technology innovation, but also providing reference and reference for high-quality digital development of the economy and society.

With the development of the times, information technology has gradually become the mainstream of development, and digitization and intelligence have driven the rapid development of China's economy. This year, it was pointed out that we should build a digital China, accelerate the development of the digital economy, and promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.

As one of the earliest companies in China to invest in the blue ocean of the digital economy, SiE Information has laid out ahead of time, gained insight into the market, and started with the digital transformation of the empowerment industry. It has achieved a leap from enterprise information service providers to enterprise digital empowerers and industrial management software practitioners, forming products and solutions for 23 key industries and 11 business lines such as communication, electronics, home appliances, and home furnishings, We have served over 1000 outstanding large and medium-sized enterprise customers, accumulating deep digital heritage and rich industry experience.

At present, SiE Information has been recognized as a leading enterprise in industrial management software from 2020 to 2021, one of the top 100 enterprises promoting digital transformation in China, and one of the top 100 service providers for digital transformation in China; In 2021, CCTV News of CCTV reported the digital transformation of Foshan, an important manufacturing city, in the headlines of the column. SiE Information helped Foshan manufacturing enterprises improve their digital capabilities, and was again reported by CCTV News.

In terms of product technology research and development, SiE Information has spared no effort to invest in research and innovation for many years. As early as 2012, it officially launched the "first year of independent research and development" of industrial management software. The independently developed intelligent manufacturing operation management platform (SMOM platform), industrial internet platform ("Gu Shen" platform) and other products have taken the lead in the industry, becoming a practitioner of domestic industrial management software localization.

In the process of enterprise digital transformation, the element of talent plays a key driving role. SiE Information has invested heavily in research and development and talent cultivation. Over the past 17 years, it has built a team of over 4000 engineers and expert consultants, with rich implementation experience in planning consulting, scheme design, system implementation, application integration, and equipment interconnection. It has gathered talent to lead the high-quality development of the enterprise. In addition, SiE Information has invested and controlled multiple leading digital service enterprises in the vertical field, playing a leading role in assisting Chinese enterprises in digital transformation and upgrading by building a rich digital industry chain and expanding the digital ecological layout.

In the future, with the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, SiE Information will leverage its business strengths and continue to provide high-quality digital service products that are "affordable, usable, well used, and cost-effective", driving the development of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry, leveraging industrial agglomeration effects, and helping the manufacturing industry move towards an intelligent era

previous:Time of the 20th National Congress | Based on the Four 'New', Manufacturing Industry Activates the F next:SiE Information won the "2022 China Software Technology Leading Enterprise Award"
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