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Outstanding strength! SiE Information was selected into two authoritative lists of Internet Weekly, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 15:10:49
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In the current era of accelerated industrial transformation and upgrading, as well as the rise of a manufacturing powerhouse, industrial software has attracted much attention. Recently, the Internet Weekly of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the eNet Research Institute jointly conducted research and released two important industry lists, "2022 China's Top 150 Software Companies" and "2022 Top 50 Industrial Software Companies". SiE Information, with its outstanding software technology strength and leading industry accumulation, once again ascended to these two authoritative lists.

Industrial software, known as the "brain" and "nerve" of industrial manufacturing, is widely used in the entire lifecycle of research and development, design, and production and operation of manufacturing enterprises. Among them, industrial management software is a key support for the digital transformation and intelligent manufacturing of the manufacturing industry.

Established in 2005, SiE Information, after 17 years of experience in digital services in the manufacturing industry and accumulation of industry knowledge, has developed into an enterprise digital empowerment and industrial management software practitioner, and has become a typical representative of the rise of industrial management software enterprises in China.

In the past decade, SiE Information has continuously increased its investment in technological research and development, exploring independent research and development in fields such as intelligent manufacturing, industrial internet, and digital transformation. It has launched the integrated industrial management software management system SMOM system for manufacturing and operation, as well as the cloud native industrial internet platform "Gushen" platform. Among them, the SMOM system integrates core industrial management software required for manufacturing management, such as APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling), MES (Workshop Manufacturing Execution), WMS (Warehouse Logistics), QMS (Quality Control), EDO (Equipment Management and Control), SMDC (Data Acquisition Platform), and SMI (Data Decision Platform). It has now iterated to the ninth generation, providing comprehensive solutions for enterprises to build intelligent factories. Gu Shen Platform is an enterprise cloud platform that integrates design, development, integration, implementation, application, and governance. It has been successfully applied to many leading enterprises, responding to customer agile IT needs, and promoting digital transformation and upgrading of manufacturing enterprises.

In addition, SiE Information has developed multiple targeted industry suite solutions based on the differences in various sub sectors of the manufacturing industry, such as the electronics industry, PCB industry, equipment manufacturing industry, etc., covering the entire process of enterprise research, supply, production, sales, and service, providing enterprises with "standard platforms, industry suite packages, and configuration services".

At present, SiE Information's product solutions and digital service cases have covered 23 key industries, providing industrial management software products and digital transformation services to over 1000 industry leading enterprises such as Huawei, Midea, OPPO, Ping An, and Oupai Home.

Thanks to the rapid development of the digital economy and the continuous release of the demand for digital transformation in the manufacturing industry, China's industrial software has entered a period of rapid development. In the future, SiE Information will continue to vigorously invest in independent research and development of industrial management software, combine domestic big data and 5G technology advantages, consolidate the technical foundation of industrial management software, build stronger enterprise competitiveness, and promote the acceleration of intelligent manufacturing in China.

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