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Tribute to Innovation Competition Information Awarded the "Southern Tribute ? Annual Innovation Enterprise" Award

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 15:07:58
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On December 16th, the "Walking with the World for a Win-win Future" -20th Anniversary Entrepreneurs Summit Dialogue and Southern Salute 2021 Annual Ceremony jointly organized by Southern Newspaper Media Group and Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce was held in Guangzhou. Representatives from various sectors of government, enterprises, and research in Guangdong gathered to discuss the "dual cycle" and interpret new development.

2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, the first year of the 14th Five Year Plan, and the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Over the past 20 years since joining the WTO, China's position in the global value chain has steadily improved, and a large number of outstanding enterprises have emerged that have made outstanding contributions in promoting international economic cooperation, breaking trade barriers, and expanding overseas development. In this event, SiE Information won the "Southern Tribute ? Innovative Enterprise of the Year" award for its innovative capabilities in the fields of digital transformation and industrial management software. At the same time, industry leading enterprises such as Huawei, Midea, VIVO, TCL, Country Garden, and GAC also won the award.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) mentioned in its November 2020 World Trade Report: Government Policies for Promoting Innovation in the Digital Era that the world economy is transitioning towards digitization and informatization, highlighting the importance of innovation and technology in promoting economic growth. As an enabler of digital transformation for enterprises, SiE Information has participated in and witnessed the entire process of digital transformation and upgrading of Chinese enterprises over the course of 16 years of development. With digital solutions, it has accompanied the rise of Chinese enterprises and gone global.

In the field of industrial management software, SiE Information, driven by independent research and development, has built a set of industrial management software products, namely SiE Manufacturing Operations Management System (SMOM), with MES (Workshop Manufacturing Execution System) as the core and integrating multiple systems such as APS (Advanced Supply Chain Scheduling System), WMS (Warehouse Logistics System), QMS (Quality Control System), with excellent product performance and implementation services, We occupy a leading position in the software market in China's industrial manufacturing sector. At the same time, SiE Information has developed industry suite solutions tailored to different industries based on their differences, such as electronic industry kits, PCB industry kits, equipment manufacturing industry kits, etc., covering the entire process of research, supply, production, sales, and service, providing enterprises with "standard platforms+industry suite packages+configuration services", Thus, a unique competitive advantage of "platform provider+application developer+massive customer+operation provider" has been formed. At present, SiE Information provides products and solutions for 23 industries and 11 business lines, and has successfully served over 1000 industry leading enterprises such as Huawei, Midea, Ping An, Country Garden, Oupai Home, China Resources, and Shiyuan Electronics.

Deeply cultivate the industry and lead development with innovation. In the future, SiE Information will continue to uphold the development mission of "making Chinese enterprises become world enterprises", become a good practitioner of industrial management software in China, and welcome the new development opportunities of 20 years after entering the WTO with digital innovation!

previous:The "2022 Guangzhou Key Field R&D" Project Publicity SiE Information 5G Industrial Con next:Industrial management software talent cultivation has a long and arduous task, warmly congratulating
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