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Empowering the Development of Digital Economy in the Greater Bay Area, SiE Information Industry Management Software Display Seal

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 11:46:55
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On September 16-19, the 2021 China Industrial Internet Conference and the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Digital Economy Conference were held in Guangzhou. The conference focuses on the theme of "Digital Driven Intelligent Manufacturing for the Future" and holds an industrial internet themed exhibition around the top 20 industrial clusters in Guangdong, showcasing solutions and application cases for enterprise digital transformation. SiE Information was invited to participate in the conference, bringing SiE Information's innovative achievements and practical cases in the field of digital transformation to the attendees.

During the 14th Five Year Plan period, Guangdong will focus on promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of the top 20 strategic industrial clusters. Relying on the growth "fertile soil" of Guangdong's strong manufacturing province, SiE Information deeply combines the process specifications of domestic discrete manufacturing industry and the actual needs of enterprises in the development process, and accumulates experience in serving the digital transformation of 23 industry enterprises to create consulting planning, products Deliver integrated digital transformation solutions. At this exhibition, SiE Information, the digital transformation enabler of enterprises, brought its independently developed industrial management software product SMOM and intelligent manufacturing solutions for different industries based on the SMOM system platform, helping to improve industrial intelligence.

SiE Information Industry Management Software Products Attract Numerous Exhibitors to Stop and Understand

Industrial clusters are an inevitable trend in the development of industrialization to a certain stage. Using industrial clusters to achieve digital transformation can not only upgrade industrial manufacturing capabilities, but also cultivate independent and controllable production and supply chains. Industrial digitization focuses on the core production scenarios of traditional industries, forming digital production management processes through industrial software. Among them, as an important foundation and core support for intelligent manufacturing, the autonomy and controllability of industrial software are also related to the safety and controllability of the supply chain and industrial chain.

SiE Information independently develops industrial management software products, from the business operation management layer to the workshop manufacturing management service system, with six core business modules of planning and scheduling, logistics management, production management, quality management, equipment management, and operation management as the main body, forming an intelligent manufacturing overall solution with the goal of intelligent factories.

      The SiE Information Intelligent Manufacturing Solution is led by real-time collaborative thinking, centered on dynamic scheduling, and implemented through equipment IoT. It manages the manufacturing supply chain process in a closed-loop manner, achieving visualization of manufacturing data and transparency of the manufacturing process. Simultaneously linking upstream and downstream supply and demand enterprises, achieving coordinated development of the upstream and downstream industrial chain and improving overall operational efficiency by covering the central platform of the entire manufacturing chain. And each module can be flexibly configured according to the different attributes and needs of enterprises in various industries, and each product can be imported in stages according to the transformation needs of different stages.

      Under the current development pattern of Guangdong Province, which takes industrial clusters as the entry point and empowers industrial clusters with digital transformation and upgrading through the new generation of information technology, SiE Information "takes the industry as the driving force, customers as the center, and product technology as the driving force", adheres to the positioning of enterprise digital empowerment and industrial management software practitioners, combines industry insights with technological innovation, and continues to promote the self-reliance and self-reliance of industrial software technology research and development, Promote industrial upgrading with comprehensive digital transformation solutions and promote high-quality development of Guangdong's industrial economy.

previous:How to do digital transformation for growth oriented enterprises? There are answers in this seminar next:Digital Navigation, Gathering and Drawing the Future - The 2021 SiE Information User Conference Succ
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