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Digital Open Future SiE Information Appears at the 2021 Service Trade Fair

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 11:44:17
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Digital Opening the Future, Services Promoting Development - The 2021 China International Service Trade Fair (referred to as the "Service Trade Fair") was held as scheduled in Beijing from September 2nd to 7th. SiE Information, a member of the "Digital Legion" from Guangdong, also presented its independently developed industrial management software and integrated intelligent manufacturing solutions at the special exhibition, showcasing the latest application achievements of digital technology empowering enterprises to achieve quality and efficiency improvement, and enhance market competitiveness.

As one of the three major exhibition platforms for China's opening-up to the outside world, the China International Service Trade Fair is the world's first comprehensive exhibition in the field of service trade. Guangdong has a well-developed manufacturing foundation, a prosperous commercial market, and a high level of informatization. Its total service trade volume ranks among the top in the country. In recent years, Guangdong has focused on promoting the integration and agglomeration of digital economy and service trade innovation. Through the platform of this service trade fair, Guangdong has further demonstrated its innovative achievements in the field of digital service trade.

SiE Information focuses on the application of technology and business models in fields such as industrial internet, intelligent manufacturing, and digital transformation, providing high-end software consulting, implementation, and integration services for enterprises. During this trade fair, SiE Information showcased the industrial management software product SMOM developed and designed independently based on the framework blueprint of intelligent factories for participating enterprises.

SMOM is a set of digital and intelligent factory design concepts that provide enterprises with an information based solution that integrates supplier collaboration portal, internal planning collaboration platform, production and manufacturing execution management platform, automated data collection, equipment integration and monitoring management, full process product information traceability, and intelligent operation management. The SMOM intelligent manufacturing solution, built on a proprietary basic technology platform, integrates multiple systems such as APS (Advanced Supply Chain Scheduling System), MES (Workshop Manufacturing Execution System), WMS (Warehouse Logistics System), QMS (Quality Control System), and achieves multi-level management from platform layer, IoT layer, manufacturing execution layer to decision-making layer. It is a heavyweight product launched by customers from digital to intelligent upgrading.

Since its establishment for 16 years, SiE Information has continuously increased its investment in innovation in the new generation of information technology through digital scenarios. With the continuous launch and iteration of independently developed industrial software products such as digital marketing, smart finance, and smart supply chain, SiE Information's digital services cover five major links: research, supply, production, sales, and service, providing products and solutions for 23 industries and 11 business lines, We have successfully served over 1000 high-quality corporate clients, including well-known enterprises such as Huawei, Midea, Country Garden, Ping An, and Oupai Home.

As the proportion of Guangdong's digital economy in the economic development of the province gradually increases, the structure of service trade is also further optimized towards digital trade. Professional services, technical services, financial services, electronic information technology services, intellectual property services and other fields are increasingly becoming new engines for the development of Guangdong's service trade. As a digital empowerer for enterprises, SiE Information is committed to enhancing the digital competitiveness of enterprises through digital transformation solutions and technical services, and promoting the digitalization process of service trade in Guangdong through innovative applications of key digital technologies.

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