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SiE Information and Enterprise Digital Solutions Appear at the 2020 Shaanxi International Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expo

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 11:17:47
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On July 12th, the three-day 2020 Shaanxi International Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expo successfully concluded at the Xi'an International Convention and Exhibition Center. This year's Science and Technology Innovation Fair is hosted by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, and the China Information Association. It is also honored by the National Energy Administration and co hosted by Yankuang Group Co., Ltd.

In recent years, Shaanxi has deeply implemented the innovation driven development strategy, focusing on creating a technological innovation engine to promote high-quality development. In this context, the 2020 Shaanxi International Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expo attracted delegations from Guangdong, Gansu, Liaoning, Jilin, and other regions to participate, attracting approximately 13000 visitors. SiE Information was also invited to participate in the exhibition.


At the 2020 Shaanxi International Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expo, SiE Information showcased product information such as Industrial Internet, SMOM (SiE Manufacturing Operation Management Platform), Mr. Finance (Enterprise Financial Management Solution), smart marketing, visual recognition, AI, and digital solutions for enterprises, attracting numerous attendees to stop and consult.

SiE Information was founded in 2005 and listed on the A-share market in 2017, providing high-end software consulting, implementation, and integration services for enterprises. SiE is deeply involved in the field of digital transformation services for enterprises, focusing on technological and business model innovation in fields such as industrial internet, intelligent manufacturing, next-generation information technology, and digital transformation. After 15 years of development, it has served over 1000 well-known corporate clients, including 25 from the Fortune 500 and more than 230 from the Fortune 500 in China. It is one of the leading enterprises in the field of digital services for domestic enterprises.

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