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SiE Information was selected as one of the top 100 industrial internet solution providers in 2020

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 11:05:32
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On July 6, the Informatization Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Internet Weekly of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and eNet Research Institute jointly released the list of "2020 Top 100 Industrial Internet Solution Providers". With its leading technical strength and industry accumulation in the industrial Internet field, SiE Information was successfully selected.



In recent years, the popularity of industrial internet has been consistently high. In this year's two sessions, it was once again included as a keyword in the "Government Work Report". With the support of national strategy, industrial internet is becoming a blue ocean in the market and entering the "fast lane" of development. According to the "White Paper on Industrial Internet Platforms (2019)", the total number of various types of industrial Internet platforms in China has exceeded 100, and the number of platforms with certain regional and industry influence has also exceeded 50. As a leading digital solution provider in China, SiE Information has successfully provided intelligent manufacturing and industrial internet related technologies and services to over 1000 globally renowned top enterprise customers after 15 years of development. It has accumulated a large number of enterprise application scenarios and gradually developed into a high-end market share leader in the domestic intelligent manufacturing field.

SiE Information has always been actively engaged in the development of forward-looking technology and digital solutions while serving the existing needs of customers. It has developed intelligent manufacturing kit SMOM (SiE Manufacturing Operations Management) systems with fully independent intellectual property rights, industrial bracelets, Mr. Finance and other technical products, successfully solving the pain points and difficulties in the development process of enterprises for customers in multiple industries.

As a self-developed industrial internet solution kit by SiE, the industrial bracelet is based on equipment insight and health protection, empowering the three main entities in the upstream and downstream of the equipment industry chain, achieving lean operation and management of equipment for customers, creating new industrial service models, and achieving industrial maintenance of a new ecosystem. The industrial bracelet includes four major components: intelligent sensors, gateways, platforms, and applications. It collects data on the characteristics of enterprise rotating machinery equipment (including temperature, vibration, noise, etc.), real-time online monitoring of equipment health status, and based on professional fault diagnosis models, anticipates equipment failures in advance, improves production equipment utilization, and reduces equipment operation and maintenance costs. Through practical case verification, the application of "industrial bracelet" can reduce the unplanned shutdown rate of rotating machinery equipment by 85%.

This selection on the "2020 Top 100 Industrial Internet Solution Providers" list is not only a positive affirmation of SiE Information's solutions in the industrial internet field, but also a promotion and encouragement for SiE to deeply solve more intelligent manufacturing development problems in the industry. The gap between China's digital transformation level in the industrial sector and developed countries is constantly narrowing. In the future, SiE Information will also rely on years of service experience in the digital and intelligent manufacturing fields to help more enterprises achieve digital upgrading and better development.

previous:Interpretation of the Two Sessions: The Heat of New Infrastructure Continues to Reduce, Developing I next:Ranked on the "2020 Top 100 Promoting China's Digital Transformation" SiE Information List
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