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Marching into the track of intelligent management of creative assets, SiE Industrial Fund invests in "Chopsticks Technology"

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 10:41:02
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Investment acceleration

The digitization of creative assets is an important demand for large and medium-sized brand enterprises, with a potential market space of tens of billions. Brand enterprises invest heavily in the creative design, diversified production, and application of creative assets, and various agencies and media platforms make the supply chain extremely complex. The digital demand for creative asset management, collaborative operations, and other aspects is becoming increasingly urgent in the context of cost reduction and efficiency enhancement. The team of Chopsticks Technology is an excellent team in this field Showcase contestants, the founding team has a profound composite understanding of creativity and digitization. We are optimistic about this entrepreneurial team that continues to delve deeply into this vertical field

——Zhang Chengkang, Chairman and CEO of SiE Information

Recently, Kuaizi Technology, a leading global enterprise level creative asset management and decision optimization technology platform provider, announced that it has obtained tens of millions of RMB A+rounds of financing, with SiE Industrial Fund as the investor in this round. It is reported that this round of financing will mainly be used to expand the construction and market coverage of domestic and overseas sales systems, establish a large-scale growth model for global business, and continue to deepen the iteration and precipitation of creative intelligence technology and products on the platform.

In the fragmented business scenario of mobile internet, how to use technology to drive creative asset management and decision-making has been a challenge for the industry for many years. Especially since the outbreak of COVID-19, global brand enterprises have faced the dual impact of short videos, dividends of live broadcast content and the epidemic. In addition, the catering industry, physical retail and other industries have transformed online. The demand for cost reduction and efficiency increase of digital creative content links through automation and AI technology has become increasingly prominent. This is also the pain point of digital transformation of brand enterprises' creative production and application links that Chopsticks Technology has targeted for years.

Through years of technological accumulation and product polishing, the Kuaizi Intelligent Creative Asset Management and Decision Optimization Platform matured in 2019. Based on element level creative AI core technology and over 120 platform technologies, Kuaizi empowers brands with intelligent production management (Kuaizi ES - "Element Station"), creative element attribution analysis (Kuaizi EA - "Element Attribution"), element level creative ROI optimization (Kuaizi EO - "Element Optimizer"), and creative element labeling big data insights (Kuaizi ED - "Element Data Dashboard") and other creative technology products and services, It is compatible with various delivery methods such as SaaS+BPO, self-service SaaS, and hybrid cloud container deployment.

Chopsticks Technology is deeply coupled with the world's most mainstream digital scenes, including Alibaba, JD, Tencent, Toutiao, major video apps, and overseas platforms such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and gradually covering public and private full scene channels. At present, Kuaizi has served over 130 brands and 70 Fortune 500 super brand group customers worldwide, such as L'Oreal Group, Procter&Gamble, Unilever, Mars, PepsiCo, Jiahua Group, Huawei, Kimberley Group, TCL, VISA, Yum China, Intel, Marriott Group, etc.

Unlike general creative software tools for individuals or small and medium-sized enterprises, Chopsticks Technology's target customers are mainly the top, largest, or fastest growing large and medium-sized To C enterprise customers in various industries around the world, including fast or durable consumer goods, internet services, finance, tourism, automobiles, education, etc. Their business volume is large, and their digital and e-commerce business development is rapid, but the complexity of the digital business operation system is high, especially The process of creative management and operation is relatively primitive, with low efficiency, high labor costs, slow flow of creative asset content, and lack of data for decision-making optimization. We hope to immediately solve the problem of cost reduction and efficiency improvement Chen Wanfeng, founder and CEO of Chopsticks Technology, said.

The comprehensive application of Kuaizi by brand enterprises only takes five steps to achieve an intelligent operation loop for creative content. 1. Enterprises produce original creative elements through a universal approach. 2. The Kuaizi system integrates and improves traditional creative processes, obtains original creative assets, disassembles elements, and intelligently digitizes them, resulting in highly efficient and diverse generation. 3. Connect with public or private domain traffic realization scenarios, match intelligent elements, and obtain data. 4. Real time analysis of element performance and direct optimization of digital business transformation effects. 5. Modeling creative labeled data and establishing a long-term creative database for enterprises.

According to data, the creative budget market of Chinese brand enterprises is about 100 billion yuan, mostly for traditional creative production, and the overseas market is about twice that number. In addition to continuously occupying the top position in the domestic market, one of Chopsticks Technology's current main goals is to actively expand overseas markets, with Europe and Asia Pacific as the starting markets. Currently, Kuaizi London office has been established.

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