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Join Hands with Huawei Intelligent Manufacturing | SiE Takes You into the First Phase of Huawei Series Activities

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 10:24:41
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On April day in Fangfei, in the Guangshen High tech Corridor, SiE Information vividly drew a beautiful landscape - the "Entering Huawei" activity has officially launched!

On April 20th, Guangzhou SiE Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SiE Information") hosted the "Entering Huawei" event for the first time. Together with industry elites, they visited Huawei's Shenzhen Bantian headquarters, SiE (Shenzhen) Offshore Delivery Center ODC base, and Huawei Songshan Lake Manufacturing Base, exploring the delivery models of intelligent manufacturing, industrial internet, and cloud ecosystem operations, as well as the development path of intelligent manufacturing in the future.

At the "Industry Solutions Exhibition Hall" at Huawei headquarters, everyone learned that in the wave of digital transformation, Huawei has made strategic adjustments for enterprises to adapt to the revolutionary changes that are happening in the information industry. While maintaining its network and mobile business, it has vigorously expanded its business for enterprise services and extended to the consumer sector. In the field of enterprise business, Huawei and SiE have a long-standing cooperative relationship. In the past 12 years, SiE Information and Huawei have jointly experienced the tremendous development process of China's manufacturing industry, and have gone through the process of information enlightenment, centralization, internationalization, globalization, and digitization. As Ms. Tan Ling, Vice President of SiE Information, pointed out, "Today, SiE Information is not only a provider of internal solutions and service delivery for Huawei, but also a true partner of Huawei

At the ODC base of SiE (Shenzhen) Offshore Delivery Center, SiE Information has specially arranged for enterprises to experience on-site SiE's real-time monitoring of Huawei's global project progress and optimization of project management, enabling enterprises to have a further understanding of SiE's implementation and delivery capabilities. It is particularly worth mentioning that in its long-term cooperation with Huawei, SiE (Shenzhen) has cultivated a large number of technical talents with practical experience through experience accumulation and practice in serving large enterprises, continuously assisting the development of enterprise IT and safeguarding the creation of business value.

The whole day's itinerary was rich in content. In addition to on-site visits, SiE Information also held a "Industrial Internet Transformation" salon at Huawei's Songshan Lake base. Enterprise executives not only observed a panoramic view of Huawei's digital transformation solutions in the manufacturing industry, but also had a heated discussion about the path, confusion, and industry trends of intelligent manufacturing. Salon host and Vice President of SiE Information, Cai Shenglong, pointed out that, Relying on the advantages of the intelligent manufacturing industry and years of rich and mature digital service experience, SiE will continue to strive to become a comprehensive solution provider for industrial internet, assisting enterprises in enhancing their capabilities in digital driven research and development, manufacturing, and service. We hope to support enterprises in achieving rapid cloud access through the deployment of products and solutions, and promote the transformation, upgrading, and efficiency enhancement of manufacturing enterprises

SiE Information can provide cloud solutions such as marketing cloud, manufacturing cloud, service cloud, procurement cloud, quality cloud, data cloud, integration cloud, etc. At the same time, it can also provide end-to-end cloud services from cloud consulting and design, cloud migration and implementation, cloud security and operation maintenance, cloud system architecture and database optimization, fully promoting the digital transformation of enterprises.

The future has come, the wise go first. Based on the good cooperation with Huawei in the past, SiE Information is increasing its deep cooperation with Huawei, seizing the opportunity of the "industrial internet" and focusing on the challenges faced by digital transformation in various industries. On Huawei's "ecological black land", we are sowing deep cultivation and jointly developing industry-specific comprehensive solutions to help enterprises win business opportunities and grow stronger through innovation, Harvest the achievements of industrial internet and intelligent manufacturing.

This is the first time that SiE Information has held a "Walking into Huawei" exploration activity, which has aroused great interest from invited enterprises. In the future, SiE Information will continue to focus on the needs of enterprises and regularly hold a series of "Entering..." activities to enable enterprises to have a more three-dimensional and comprehensive understanding of SiE's service capabilities, strengthen industry exchanges, timely grasp industry trends, forge ahead on the path of industrial internet development, and win-win business opportunities.

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