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Scenario level medical industry solution, think what you think, and be wise based on knowledge


In the era of comprehensive digitization, not only are healthcare solutions facing comprehensive reforms, but the way healthcare workers work is also undergoing significant changes. Based on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform, SiE Information helps medical enterprises integrate multi-channel customer resources, establish multidimensional and sustainable customer records, and build a unified customer management system. By creating a differentiated consumer experience, establishing a scientific follow-up and satisfaction survey mechanism, medical institutions are assisted in listening to customers' voices, continuously reviewing and evaluating the service level and quality of their services, and continuously improving in the direction expected by customers.

Through solutions, healthcare institutions can achieve


Establish a positive communication mechanism, comprehensively and deeply understand user needs, and provide on-demand customized services.


Establish a comprehensive customer management system, sustainably develop customer resources, and improve customer conversion rates.


Realize doctor-patient interaction, enhance customer experience, and reflect customer care.

With the increase of media tools, the breadth and speed of public access to information have rapidly increased. The frequent exposure of medical violations has led to a sharp decline in social trust in private hospitals. The short-term profit driven advertising survival law is no longer able to establish a high-quality brand image. The era of medical service enterprises dominated by advertising has come to an end, and they are rapidly transitioning into an era where patient experience is paramount. The marketing model of medical products urgently needs to be transformed. However, a large amount of homogenized information impacts customers' senses every day, and single marketing methods and channels are instantly submerged. The marketing needs of medical enterprises are to integrate various channels and content into a "comprehensive solution". 

The main pain points for customers in the medical service industry include:


Traditional medical institutions usually only have three solid business channels: "brand communication", "market development", and "medical services", and do not fundamentally implement the cultivation of customer relationships and the exploration of customer potential.


The serious medical marketing model is too "traditional", the marketing methods of comprehensive tertiary hospitals are too "simple", and the marketing of private hospitals is too "crude". How to organically integrate the three characteristics of the hospital's marketing is one of the biggest pain points.


In the field of medical and health services, the cost of customer acquisition is extremely high and will continue to increase. How to continuously develop customer resources has become an important topic in the field of medical service marketing.


For medical service institutions with mid to high end positioning, customer experience is crucial, and how to improve customer experience has become a focus of attention for medical service institutions.

SiE, together with Microsoft, based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 application platform, covers the company's official website, mobile APP, official account, Internet hospital, and third-party platform through all channels, and integrates the call center to provide support services for patients through multiple contacts. And by integrating SMS, real-time information exchange notifications are carried out to optimize the patient's medical experience. Provide referral applications and marketing mobile devices for marketing personnel, anytime, anywhere referral or marketing activities, provide support and services for patients, and improve employee office efficiency. Through the flexible data and business interface platform of the system, seamless integration of the hospital's HIS system, medical all-in-one machine, calling system, and ERP system, unified user center, cross system, cross platform, and cross channel unified management of user information data, and delivery of a consistent user experience. And integrate integrated payment platforms to optimize payment processes. Seamless integration of Microsoft Business Intelligence data analysis tool Power BI, real-time processing of data within the system, and visual display through reports and charts, helping employees grasp business dynamics and assist leaders in decision-making.

How to achieve digital management and services in the traditional medical industry, effectively listen to customers' voices, and improve service quality is a major pain point in the medical industry. With the support of customer relationship management, SiE Information not only helps new medical institutions achieve complete business closed-loop and effective feedforward, but also catalyzes customer loyalty through customer care. The loyal customer base greatly enhances the brand's positive word-of-mouth dissemination rate, making marketing more effective with half the effort!

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Scenario level medical industry solution, think what you think, and be wise based on knowledge

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