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SiE X Zhisiyun

SiE X Zhisiyun

Industrial Internet, enterprise level service platform

HR SAAS suite provider that connects all employees and empowers them

We provide HR SAAS suite products that are suite style, fully mobile, full scene, and fully interactive for large and medium-sized enterprises. We are committed to applying digital technology to help HR improve work efficiency and help enterprises create a one-stop information platform for employers to serve employees. Based on the HR SAAS suite, the company will provide value-added services such as employee benefits and insurance, striving to become the best HR service distributor in China.

Successfully served hundreds of large and medium-sized enterprises, supporting real-time connectivity and HR business management and collaboration among nearly 400000+enterprise employees; Having a one-stop solution with AL ー IN-ONE deep configurable capabilities, committed to serving as a long-term partner for the enterprise; HR Saas, which focuses on large and medium-sized enterprises, emphasizes service as software, faster iteration and innovation.

We have received two rounds of financing totaling 35 million yuan, including Dongfang Fuhai and SiE Industrial Fund.

SiE X Shangyue

SiE X Shangyue

Procurement digital solutions

Enterprise procurement "data center" provider

Committed to helping core enterprises establish a supplier platform, providing a comprehensive solution of enterprise procurement mall+transaction collaboration network, helping core enterprises achieve online and data-driven procurement, thereby improving efficiency and reducing costs. The company's mission is to "create unlimited possibilities through connectivity", and through the enterprise procurement mall, it covers the entire company's users to form a procurement network, achieving interconnection and helping enterprises build a digital procurement supply chain network.

Shangyue Network is jointly created by core procurement supply chain talents such as Alibaba, Deloitte, UFIDA, Suning, Bilian, and Oracle. I have deep practice and thinking in areas such as enterprise procurement, B2B collaborative networks, and supply chain. It is a business and technology driven company that helps core enterprises establish procurement internet platforms.

We have successively obtained approximately 35 million yuan in financing from SiE Industrial Fund, Ginkgo Valley, Fengrui Capital, Juding Capital, and others.

SiE X Yitu Vision

SiE X Yitu Vision

Industrial Internet, focusing on intelligent manufacturing

Machine vision intelligent manufacturing solution provider

Committed to becoming a supplier of automatic optical inspection and assembly equipment for customers, utilizing machine vision technology to help enterprises meet the needs of automation, high-precision, defect detection, and other aspects, and improving customer productivity and yield.

The company has independently implemented practical machine vision algorithms and equipment, and strives to become a platform based company in the field of machine vision equipment serving the manufacturing industry by outputting automated production lines and machine vision technology. Utilizing visual algorithms and mechatronics integration to replace human eyes and hands in production environments to achieve efficient and accurate detection, measurement, recognition, positioning, and guidance services.

We have successively obtained a total of 10 million yuan in financing from SiE Industrial Fund, Lanene Capital, Guangdong Good Angel, and others.

Leading the digital upgrade of enterprisesclick to download

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