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Becoming an ecological partner

The purpose of the SiE Partner Ecosystem is to establish and promote SiE, its partners, and the market to pay attention to or engage in SiE business

Liaison and cooperation between relevant personnel. Including channel agents for SiE products, consulting implementation partners, SiE product consultants, industry experts, etc.

We will leverage continuous communication and benefit sharing to promote cooperation among the aforementioned parties.

To establish a more stable partnership system for the long-term development of SiE, and to establish a stronger sales channel, expert pool, and talent pool for the entire ecosystem.


SIT·Ecological partnership cooperation system


Sales partners can provide sales leads, maintain sales opportunities, and collaborate to complete project contracts

Implementation Delivery

Possess the ability to implement and deliver intelligent manufacturing consulting, and collaborate with the SiE implementation team to complete project delivery work.

Platform development

Familiar with technical platform development and functional expansion, forming self owned solution function modules, and improving customer satisfaction.

Why become a SiE Ecological Partner

Ensure delivery and accumulate reputation

SiE will further increase investment in product polishing and transfer knowledge to partners based on mature products,

To ensure the same delivery quality as SiE, SiE is more concerned about implementation effectiveness than you, and wins a larger market by accumulating word-of-mouth. Therefore, we will continuously evaluate our partners.

Closer to customers

SiE's layout of partners has basically completed nationwide coverage, and users prefer delivery teams to be closer to them to achieve rapid demand response,

Partners are fully capable of doing so.

High cost-effectiveness

SiE partners sign authorization agreements with SiE, offering lower prices for the same products. At the same time, SiE regularly evaluates partners, not solely based on performance,

At the same time, it includes delivery quality and records customer evaluations of partners.

act according to actual circumstances

Different partners are proficient in different industries, and they can unleash unique value in your industry by creating unique solutions based on SiE standard products,

More precise service location.

How to become a SiE Ecological Partner
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